I just scheduled yet another incredible speaker for NatEx 2020 and it makes me think about back in the day when I was putting together my very first telesummit…

I was freaking out, thinking:

  • “Who am I to talk to these amazing people?”
  • “How can I make myself so special that they’ll want to talk to me?”
  • “Who am I to even talk to the most amazing, inspiring people in our profession?”
  • “Who am I to show up on somebody’s podcast?”
  • “Who am I to do this stuff because it’s just little old me”

When you say all those little “Just”s you end up with a “just” result, right?

Do you say “Who am I to . . .?”

When I was putting together my first telesummit, I wrote down the 10 names of the most inspiring practitioners that came to my mind from here in Australia and overseas. I wondered how would ever get into their inbox, let alone anything else!

I just asked

This is the cool thing about the advent of the internet and social media. We get all-access passes to a lot of people that we never had access to before.  They are human beings and they will love what you’re doing if you share it with them.

I remember connecting with these people and back in 2014, I ended up interviewing Deana Minich, who I had this massive #NatCrush on.  And I just got off the phone today with Petrea King and I am so pumped because she’s going to be speaking at our gala event at NatEx next year. I am #NatStruck!

And it’s all because I just asked. 

I made a list of people that I really connect and resonate with and that the people I’m of service to could also connect with. And then I found a way to ask them.

A lot of people that I’ve connected with for NatEx are through DMs (direct messages) on Instagram and it is such an easy way. So just ask!

Just ask:

  • on Instagram
  • in a Facebook message (a lot of people use Facebook messages now for their businesses and the personals)
  • via their email inbox
  • through their Contact Us page

But the easiest way is through social media.  Just ask how you can help that person’s community and then describe your vision and your mission.

Nearly every single person that is on the stage at NatEx next year will be there because that’s exactly what I did.

I wanted to share this with you today because there’s a power in just asking and then letting go of the outcome.

Ask . . . and then let go of the outcome

That’s the little caveat and a bonus tip for you. It’s one thing to just ask, but there’s gonna be so many stories that come up in your brain about “Who am I to do this? I’m just:

  • a practitioner who just started
  • coming back from maternity leave
  • from Victoria
  • a student
  • an old school practitioner

There are so many different things that come up in your brain and a version of it comes up for each and every one of us.

You have to treat it like duck diving in into a wave. You duck dive in and you don’t know what’s gonna be on the other side, but you do it anyway. When you come up, sometimes you get dumped in the sand.  But other times you’re like, “Oh my goodness! They just replied and said yes!”

So I’m super pumped because we’ve got Petrea coming and speaking at the gala dinner. We also have Lee Holmes who is the supercharged extraordinaire gut health expert who’s all over the planet. Her stuff is even in the Queen’s pharmacy in London! Her gut powders are in the pharmacy that the Queen shops at!

I got to talk to her and our podcast comes out this week about that. And it was from just asking.

Just ask

So don’t think you’re “just a.” Whenever you notice that you’re doing that to yourself, it’s actually gold timing for you to be talking to people!

None of those things that you think about yourself diminishes the connection you could have with these amazing people.

Let’s connect

My next question is – are you currently following me on my Facebook business page?  If not, I’d love if you would give me a Like and follow me there.  You can find me at Facebook.com/TammyGuests.

There are just over 1,500 people following my business page, now.  How exciting is that?  You know, you start with zero and then it gets bigger and bigger. But I’d love to serve 15,000 people!

That’s where I share the behind-the-scenes, stuff about my family, background stories, the ins and outs of business, and things like that. So if you’re not following me or if you know somebody who would benefit from hearing those things such as the truth seeker and speaker side, that’s what I do over there. If it benefits you, I would love for you to follow me: https://www.facebook.com/tammyguests.

See? That was an example of Just Ask.  And all of the feelings come up.

All the feelings of, “Oh my gosh, I just asked everybody to follow me. That was lame-o.” And just like going through a wave, you come out the other side.

And if you don’t follow me, that’s okay.  If I’m not for you, that’s okay, too.  You can just opt out, it’s super easy.

Take Action

This is the thing – I really want to model this type of leadership for you. You have the capacity to lead in your life. Leading from the front, asking when you would love to connect with somebody you have been inspired by, asking for someone to follow you.  All of these things will help you with your business. Asking for somebody to help and assist in any way that they possibly can to help you do what you want to do and help more people on the planet.

Hopefully, this is beneficial to you! If it was please share it.

If this was needed for you, go and ask whoever it is that you need to ask to connect with. Just ask and let the feelings come up and then come out the other side and see what happens!

unrestricted the book by tammy guest