unrestricted the book by tammy guest

I am here today to remind you that there you will do some really freaky things you are going to do in your business and your life.  And sometimes, the freakiest of things can actually be the biggest motivator you have!

I have experienced this personally. A lot!

But, along my journey there has been one piece of advice that has propelled me forward quicker than any other… “Leap before you are ready”. Watch the video, or read on below as I want to share with you how these 5 words have changed me and my business over the years, and how they can for you too.

At some point, you have stop researching and take action

I’ve had these clients (and I’m sure you have, too!) who come in and they have done all of the research about what their condition is, what they need for it, some of the lifestyle changes that they need to make, some of the foods that they need to eat – all that kind of stuff. They’ve usually got a tonne of information. They even have action steps that they need to take.  They already know what they need to do, but they’re not doing it.

I’ve even had clients that have done so much research about a particular piece of electronic equipment or exercise equipment.  Those ones that make you jiggle and things like that.  They’ve done all of this research and they may even have gone and bought the thing. It’s sitting there in the corner.  They can tell you absolutely everything about what this thing does to a human body, but they’ve had it sitting in the corner for a month and haven’t done anything with it.

So they come in and asked all about their weight loss, how to get on board with getting their cholesterol going down, and how to start moving their bodies.

You can know absolutely everything about something but unless you leap before you’re ready, you’re going to come up with every excuse and plan and piece of research and continue to research until you do something about it.

You won’t get the result you’re looking for until you take the action

This is something we see all the time with people trying to get on treadmills and similar. You can know all of the things about it, but until you leap and actually take the action, you’re not going to get the result you’re looking for.

Do you have any clients like that?

You’ve given them the supplements or the diet that you’ve discussed with them already. You’ve explained how to do it, how to get started.  But then they come back and they haven’t done the thing they needed to do.

You have to leap before you’re ready

Whether it’s taking the supplements now, actually getting on the treadmill, or doing the thing you need to do in your business – you have to take action.

Every time I’ve done this in my business, it’s changed everything for me.

The vast majority of the time, it’s one of the freakiest feelings I’ve ever had. It’s very similar to jumping out of a plane (if you have ever done that)!

What happens is that when you’re holding on to the side of the plane, they quickly get your attention away from what you’re actually experiencing. They hold your head back so that you don’t flick your head as you jump out of the plane. You’re sitting there, holding on to everything and then they go, “One, Two-” and then they make you leap before you’re ready!

Your brain is never going to be ready for something that’s outside your comfort zone.

Because your brain will tell you that you’re not a person who’s ready for that. It will keep you nice and safe inside your comfort zone, trying to keep you the same person you have always been, because outside of there is unsafe.

So if you think you’re:

  • not ready for that
  • a person who doesn’t do things like this
  • never going to experience that kind of success

Or something similar,  then your brain just says, “Nope! Not ready for that.” And then you’ll find lots of evidence to show why you’re not ready. And somehow, you *never* manage to be ready.

Leaping before you are ready gives you the motivation you need to achieve

In my business, I’ve done this heaps of times.  The first time was when I signed up for B-School.  It was a crazy idea to me because it was the most expensive thing. I had no idea where I was going to get the payments for this program. But I knew I had the first payment and I knew I could press the button. It was 11:58 at night – just before the midnight cut off.

But I pressed that button and what happened was that it gave me the motivation I needed. I leapt before I was ready and it gave me the motivation to do absolutely everything in that course to be able to pay for the next round.

I loved that and it was one of the most extraordinary experiences for me. That’s why I’ve made it part of the Natupreneur Journey that you get the opportunity to learn everything in the first month so that you can pay for the next round.

Another example is when I expanded my clinic. I started in this little abandoned building, the third floor up, basically in an office space that didn’t have any reception area or anything like that. But I knew I needed to be out by myself.

I didn’t want to have something at home and I leapt before I was ready. I had to find the money every month to pay for this little office space.  It took everything in my power to find the money to pay for that space.

Every time, it’s been more motivating for me to have leapt before I was ready. Because then, there I am, doing everything I can to move into a space that I’m not really ready for, I’m not used to.

But if I sit back and I don’t have that motivation, then there isn’t anything I really need to do.

The desire in front is more pleasurable than the pain behind you

So when I’ve leapt before I was ready, there was always a desire in front of me that was more pleasurable than the pain I was in. So I could quickly move from that pain I was in, into the thing that I didn’t know for certain would turn out. I wasn’t sure this new thing was going to be useful.

But in that moment, it moved me away from the pain of not having any clients and into being motivated to create something different from my practice.  So I moved from that little office space to a bigger office space.

Then, after I did some work on how my mind was working around things, how I manifested things, and how I was clearly taking strategic places for my business, I moved into a multi-modality practice within six months!

I left way before I was ready. Because in my mind’s eye, I had a reception area and my clinic space. The space that I saw in my mind’s eye, was actually half of what was available to me when I went and saw this amazing shop front that we ended up having. There was an extra practitioner room, a dispensary room, and a workshop room! I leapt before I was ready. I had to find a way to put the first month down and then I did absolutely everything I could, employed all of the information that I had, to actually create the momentum I needed to keep going.

This has worked for me time and time again!

I leap before I’m ready because it creates motivation in front of me. Rather than the pain that I’m feeling behind me and being okay with that pain because it’s not outside my comfort zone. It feels quite cozy.  I’ve lived with the pain and discomfort of not having enough clients and the little bills that come in.

But having something in front of me to motivate me that I want to go towards, has changed everything for me. Whether it’s my clinic space, the business mentoring that I’ve experienced, or some of the conferences that I’ve been to overseas.

Because trying to find the money for that stuff – oh my gosh! It’s the scariest thing. It literally feels like I’m jumping out of a plane every time.

I just found the money for this conference that I’m going to next month. But, I didn’t “just find it.” This event has motivated me to employ all of my ideas on how I can be at this event.

I had to figure out how I can:

  • organise my kids
  • manage what’s happening in my business
  • handle all of the things that are needed to move me forward to a place to understand and be surrounded by these extraordinary entrepreneurs
  • be in a really different head-space in a really different environment

What change in your life do you really want?

What do you really want to change? 

Where do you hear yourself saying, “I’ll do it when:

  • I’m ready
  • I’ve got enough money
  • everything is settled down at home

Usually, those “I’ll do it whens” are the reason you’re going for that thing in the first place (at least, that’s what I’ve found).

Another time this worked for me was when I went over to New York for a massive conference. This was a trip that I took way before I thought I was ready. Having just scraped myself out of being in a whole bunch of debt and knowing I would have to put the whole event on a credit card – I didn’t think I was there yet. After just scraping through and paying off this credit card debt, I worried that I would go into credit card debt again.

But I really felt this event was the thing for me at the time.  I resonated with this event and knew there’d be a whole bunch of female entrepreneurs there.

Focus on the return on your investment

Then my gorgeous husband asked me what the return on investment would be. What was I going to get from that investment if I put this on the credit card?  Was I going to go over there and learn how to make that amount of money back and then earn it back within the first four weeks of returning?  Are you going learn something over there that is going to turn that $2,000 investment around into a $4,000 amazing reward?

Reframing it that way motivated me so much! So that’s exactly what I did. I flew over to New York and went to this two-day event. We even ended up in the middle of a hurricane so I got stuck sharing hotel rooms with extraordinary women and having these conversations I never thought I would have, that were bigger than I could have imagined for myself.

Being surrounded by people like that, in a mindset like that, just changes everything. I ended up with more than $4,000 ideas – I had $40,000 worth of ideas!

I came back, employed those ideas, and tripled the staff and the number of people we were seeing. We had new workshops online and offline offerings. Things that just weren’t even in my scope of what I was thinking about before.

But I wouldn’t have achieved that if I had allowed the thoughts that were holding me back ( freaking out about going overseas when my kids and practice were so young at the time), I would never have achieved those things so quickly.

Every time I have resonated with something and leapt before I was ready, I have felt really motivated to get the return on the investment and propelled my business forward. I wish I could give that feeling to everybody!

What if you switched that freaky thing around in your head? Can you reframe it and leap before you are ready?

If there is something you resonate with, something you know needs to be part of your journey – there’s something on the other side, but it takes a little leap of faith to get to it.

Remember, safe and stable is wonderful for some periods of your life. If you need or want to stay safe and stable, right now – awesome.

But if you want to expand, grow, and create something different, then you have to do something different. You never know what’s on the other side of it.

Take action

If this is helpful to you or would be for somebody else you know, please share this blog with them.

And if there is something you’ve been wanting to do but fears are holding you back – focus on what you would achieve and maybe… leap before you are ready!