unrestricted the book by tammy guest

Today I am sharing an amazing tip – my favourite mindset trick to pay for anything!

This trick works for anybody – from my son to my millionaire friends. Watch the video or read on below to discover what it is and how you can use it to be able to pay for anything you want!


What happens when you wish you could have something?

There’s a thing that our brains often do when we think about buying something.  When we think about something we’d like to have, our mind instantly starts coming up with reasons why we can’t.  It sounds like this:

“I wish I could have that, but. . .” or “That’d be nice, but I can’t afford it.”

This is a mindset that happens where we go into a nice little loop about that. But  I figured out a trick that I use to get past it!

I noticed this technique because a lot of my millionaire friends use it.  I didn’t realise until I started to see the pattern.  Whenever I really want something, this thing changes everything.

This trick is something I started using way back in my clinic days at Inspirational Health.  At that time, I had supplier accounts I had to pay (I feel like a dinosaur now that we have Vitally and all these other wonderful programmes that we can order online!). It changes so much not having to have a whole bunch of stock, but I had a huge dispensary at the time. So I had thousands of dollars every month that I had to magically make appear to pay the supply bills.

We had you two to four weeks to pay the supplier bills or things would happen. We don’t want to get cut off from our suppliers – particularly as a practitioner – because those are our remedies! Those are the things that we’re trying to help people with!

I’ve been using this mindset trick for years

So it started way back then. And now the same kind of trick helps me:

  • go overseas on holidays
  • go to events
  • expand my business
  • to buy anything that I’d like really

My son even uses this trick to be able to buy his computer games! And it also helped my friend Denise Duffield-Thomas by her rose farm. So hopefully this will be beneficial to you, particularly if you’re thinking about something that you’d like to pay for.

This is for you if you have – in recent weeks – thought,

I really love that thing. But I don’t have enough money for that.” “I really love that thing. But it’s not in the budget.” “I really love that thing, but – ” 

There’s a big “but” going on there, right?

For most of us, the biggest “but” we have is around money.

The second biggest “but” is around time.

The third biggest “but” is around the amount of energy it takes.

The biggest one around money is because we often see the money as a cost.  But the money itself isn’t necessarily the problem.

The beauty of and benefit of running your own business (that you don’t realise until later on) is that we have an infinite capability of making more money. We have an infinite amount of capability to see and create value for our clients in all sorts of ways that we haven’t even considered yet.

Here’s the thing – it’s not actually about the money

It’s about how you going to create that much value that somebody is going to give you that money in return.

Back in the day, right at the beginning of my practice, I had a $1200 supply bill and I was about to get cut off because I hadn’t paid it. I was thinking, “Oh, I’m going to manifest this out of nowhere.”

Manifesting is nice and it’s lovely to set an intention. But the action you take is entirely different. And the action you take is what ends up getting you the result you want.

So I set out the intention to get my $1200.

Then I thought, “How can I create this $1200 worth of value with the business that I have?”

It works like this.  If you’ve got initial consultations at $120, how many people do you need to help pay for this bill? That’s purely the question that replaces, “How much is this going to cost?”

Instead of, “How much is this going to cost?” ask, “How many people do I need to help?”

So if my offering is an initial consultation at $120 each and I’ve got 1200 dollars worth of bills, how many people do I need to help? It’s not rocket science, people! It’s 10. I need to find 10 people in four weeks, and I need to help them. That’s two and a half people per week that I need to go out and talk to, find referral partners for, and offer my services to.  Then I can pay the bill.

Some of you are thinking, Oh, my gosh! 10 people.  Where would you get 10 from?

I was charging $70 for my follow-ups at the time. That meant that I needed 18 people to see. So all I needed was 4 people a week. So I sent out an email and I got two people a week for the next four weeks. Because the email was a reminder to them that I was still there, I still cared, and there was an opportunity for them to come back in for their follow up. So half of it was done.

So, what we needed was 10 people for an initial consultation, or 18 people for a follow-up, that I needed to help to pay my bill. I was also running workshops at the time at $40 each. So that would be 30 people I needed to fill the workshop by the end of the month and I would have my supply bill done.

In addition, I was also creating programmes. In fact, this is exactly how I created my first programme. With a big bill that I had to pay, I needed to find out how I could create $1200 worth of value and give it to somebody over a certain period of time.

I knew that over 12 weeks, I could really change some someone’s health from being in about stage 2 adrenal fatigue to getting them a result in 12 weeks. So what I did was put my initial consultations and three follow-ups. Then I added some phone calls and other bits and pieces along the way. And I charged $1200. I sold one right there and then. Straight away, somebody came in for an initial consultation, I told them about the value of it, and I told them I’d helped other people before. Then we booked them in for their consultations and they paid it straight up.

$1200 for helping one person.

Instead of, “What’s this going to cost,” think, “How many people do I need to help?”

The last example is retreats.  I have actually been running retreats for about seven years. For the first couple of retreats, I had to be able to pay for the space of the retreat. You have to think about how many people can you help by booking that retreat space, right? Instead of asking, “how much is it going to cost to book the retreat space?” ask, “how many people can I help?”

So for that $1200 bill, it’s a half a person on a retreat because my retreats were around about the $3,000 mark. Asking for a deposit of $1200 for the retreat means that, all of a sudden, that bill is sorted. And I have helped people.

I always use this for my holidays as well. Want to take a family holiday or want to make money for a certain period of time? All you have to do is think not about the cost. You want to think about how many people can you help.  You can use this mindset trick to pay for anything you want.

Then all of a sudden, it becomes really clear.

My son makes graphic designs for Instagram posts for a whole bunch of entrepreneurs I know.  He sets them up on camera and PicMonkey and uses everybody’s colours and sells 30 of them for $60.

So when he finds a game he wants, he doesn’t think, “That’s going to cost $60,” he thinks, “The game I want is going to cost me one monthly client.” And if I want a new game every month, that means I need to find somebody to make 30 Instagram posts for. That’s all he does. He’s 10 years old.  If he can do it, you can too.

Same thing for this jacket. This jacket was $160. That is half of my consultation fee for a local person who needed my help for getting the ball rolling on something. All I needed to do was spend half an hour and I got my jacket that I needed to take to a conference I was going to in Canada last week. And I helped somebody for this jacket. I didn’t think about how much money the jacket was going to cost. I instantly thought, “how many people can I help? How can I help them?”

No excuses. You can figure it out.

Maybe you’re thinking, “Oh, how could I possibly get 30 people to my workshop event?”

If you really want:

  • your family holiday
  • a ticket to NatEx
  • to pay your supply bills
  • your business to stay open

You make it happen.

There are no excuses in the meantime to be able to figure that stuff out.

Put yourself out there.

Go out and:

  • talk to people
  • find out how to write the emails and do the marketing
  • figure out ways and means to actually get it done.

Then at the end, you’ve got the thing done by creating value and helping people.

After a while, this becomes second nature.

My husband and I just came back from speaking to a financial planner. Afterwards, we were walking across the road and he said, “Did you hear those fees? I just thought that’s one of my daily workshops.” And you know, that’s only two spots on the on the retreat. We weren’t thinking about how much the fees are, we were thinking about how many people we could help for that, how we could help them, and what the innovative ways that we could help people to be able to pay for the thing that we really, really want.

If this works for:

  • my 10-year old to buy video games
  • a friend to buy a rose farm
  • me to pay for tickets for Awesomeness Fest
  • to keep my doors open and pay supplier bills

then it will work for you for whatever it is that you’re creating right now.

If you’re in business and in practice, I promise you, you have the opportunity to create more value and change more people’s lives. When you really want this thing, you do what it takes to be able to create more value in other people’s lives.

So if all you have at the moment is one on one consultations, my invitation to you is to create a programme. Create a package of consultations or a package of things where you provide value over a period of time to somebody and then literally just offer it to them. Some people say no, sure. But the more people who say no move you closer to a yes.

Take Action

If you find yourself always thinking that everything costs too much, you don’t have enough money, or you can’t afford it – work on reframing your mindset.  Focus on how many people you can help and the value you can provide to create the funds you need. Use this mindset trick to pay for anything you need or want in your business and life.

So hopefully this has been beneficial to you or could be to someone else. If it has, please share it. The more that we can help those in our profession get the things they want in their business and life, the more that we can show up and help even more people. We are so important in the scheme of natural health and our communities that I really want you to have the life that you want to live. And I really want you to have a thriving business to be able to help more people and help yourself and your family as well.

And if you are not already a member, join us in the Natupreneur Hub for trainings like this every week.