Whenever I do one of these videos, my goal is to inspire, motivate, or teach… And that can go a lot of different directions.  This week, I am sharing 7 books that any praccie who is in business should read!

When I was first starting out in business, books were the first and only way to find out information about how to run a business.

Just like we do with our health-related books, I have a collection of books on business and mindset. And there are some must-reads for each and every one of you, depending on where you’re at in your business.  Included are 2 brand new titles I want to give you the heads up on if you haven’t checked them out yet!

1. The Big Leap

Anyone who knows me knows that my first and only favourite must-read book has to be The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks. I don’t actually have a physical one. I have it on both Kindle and on Audible.

This is one that I come back around to again and again.  The first time I actually read it was on a plane. It’s a nice, short, easy read which meant that I got to have that insight right away on the plane about going to the next level and the bumpy road it takes to get there.

This book is a must-read for every person who’s ever considered being in business or who wants a bigger life beyond what they currently have. They know there’s something inside them they need to crack through to get there.

It explains why these other things come up as you go along and what you can do about it.

Definitely read the Big Leap by Gay Hendricks!

2. Turning Pro

Now, this is a very little known book. Not very many people know this book. But, oh my goodness, it is a total gamechanger.

If you’re just starting out in practice and you’re  chugging along and find yourself:

  • procrastinating
  • being distracted by bright shiny objects
  • randomly doing things sporadically instead of being consistent

Then this book is for you.

Turning Pro is by Steven Pressfield, who also wrote The Artist’s Way and some other titles. He is a writer and his analogy about turning pro as a writer is the same as us turning pro as a practitioner. It’s really different from procrastinating, sporadically doing things, or getting sidetracked because of x, y, Z. It is such a cool book.

It’s another really short, easy read, especially if you’re going to go for a little trip somewhere. And it’s excellent.

3. Think and Grow Rich

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill is an oldie – like seriously old! This has been around forever. It was first published in 1937. Napoleon Hill was born in like 1883 and died in 1970.

But this book was and is so before it’s time, especially given the amount of knowledge and understanding that we now have about energy and how it works. He explores some really amazing stuff in here. It’s not just about money and getting rich. It has chapters about how to create shifts and changes in your wealth mindset and your money mindset through:

  • mindset practices
  • meditation practices
  • connecting and conversing with other people
  • and even through sex, bizarrely enough!

This book is gold mine of information.

4. The 4-Hour Work Week

This book is for anyone who has the type of business and mindset entrepreneurial spirit that I do, but you want to actually create a lifestyle business around your business, rather than your life rather than business being the only thing that you’re living and dying for.  The 4-Hour Work Week by Tim Ferriss.

This was his original book before he got really crazy with podcasting and trying different things. He’s made documentary series films and other stuff.

But I love this book! There is gold in this that will make you think about doing things differently in business. And as a practitioner, we’re not taught generally taught that. We’re that we’re going to become a clinician and see people one on one. And of course, there’s a cap to that, right. Or you become part of another organisation or corporation. Then you’re part of a cog in a wheel rather than being your own boss and looking at things and how they fit into your lifestyle.

The 4-Hour Work Week – as it says – is about how to “escape the nine to five, live from anywhere, and join the new rich.”

I know we all get triggered by the word rich. But we all need money to get along. If doing it in a way that’s in alignment with what we have as gifts and talents, what we want to share with the world, and how we want to connect with our families and look after our health, then this is the book for you.

There is an amazing chapter at the back, especially if you get to a stage in your business where you’ve created extra leverage. So you’ve capped out, you’ve seen as many clients as you need to see, then you created a leverageable product like an e-course, a training, or something else.

Then there’s a moment when you realise that you’ve put the systems in place for everything to run while you’re away. What do you do with that time while you’re away? Because it’s a really different conversation from working to get to that point. Now that you’ve achieved it – what DO you do with your time off?

So this a really good one, especially if you’re in that place. Or if you want to jump out from the traditional mould and run a lifestyle business.

5. Chillpreneur

I am a little bit biased on this one because it’s by one of my Biz Besties, Denise Duffield Thomas. I’m actually featured in her first book, Get Rich, Lucky Bitch! One of my stories is in that book. She wrote it specifically around money mindset and it is still my gold standard for any an entrepreneur or practitioner who is having issues with money blocks and thinking, “How do I get through this? How do I ask for money?”

She’s like a how-to genius and gives you all these little actionable steps. So yeah – Get Rich, Lucky Bitch is amazing.

That was her original book, but her newest one is. . .

Chillpreneur – it is epic!

This is foundational. It is so important when it comes to:

  • mindset
  • getting the basics on how to run a business
  • and how to think differently to be able to create freedom in your life

If you haven’t seen her on my bits and pieces before, you should definitely go and check her out.

Chillpreneur takes it to the next level in a business context. So her first book was about money, this one is about business. Definitely go and check this out if you haven’t already!

6. The Illusion of Money

This is the first of the two new titles I am excited to share with you. They’re brand new ones and I’m loving reading them! More about money mindset.

One of my favourite mentors is an extraordinary thinker, a really humble and funny guy named Kyle Cease. His book is called The Illusion of Money but it actually doesn’t really talk about money in it, which is really funny. Knowing him and his comedic sense, it is hilarious for him to write a book about money and essentially not mention money once!

He talks about:

  • how we think about money,
  • that our minds can get us motivated into a ‘lack mentality’ versus an ‘abundance mentality’
  • where that might have come from
  • and some actionable little tasks at the end of every chapter to get you thinking in a different way

This is one of my favourites. And I’m essentially reading it at this very moment, one chapter per day. I love it! It comes with a bonus movie and the movie is not that great, to be honest. But the book is epic.

7. Everything is Figureoutable

Last one! This one is from one of my first mentors. Many of you will know Marie Forleo from B-School. She also has an amazing YouTube channel, and weekly insights and weekly interviews with some really amazing people when it comes to business and mindset. So she has a brand new book, Everything is Figureoutable.

You might have seen her launch but if you haven’t, you should check her out on Instagram. She’s been doing this huge, amazing launch where she’s doing like full dance numbers and everything because she’s doing things that bring her joy and that are totally in alignment with her. Her book launch is very ‘her,’ which is fascinating.

This book is for anybody who is just starting out in business and needs a kick up the bum when it comes to getting your gears going and moving from a hobby to an actual business. So it’s for newbies. Probably not for people who are a bit further along.

But perfect for newbies. It’s awesome and has some really cool tidbits, relatable stories, and again – actionable steps. I’m really keen on the actionable steps

Recap – 7 Must-Read Books for Praccies in Business

So these are my 7 must-read books including 2 brand new titles for any practitioner who is in the business of practice and the practice of business:

  1. The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks

  2. Turning Pro by Steven Pressfield

  3. Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

  4. The 4-Hour Work Week by Tim Ferriss

  5. Chillpreneur (and/or Get Rich, Lucky Bitch) by Denise Duffield Thomas

  6. The Illusion of Money by Kyle Cease

  7. Everything is Figureoutable by Marie Forleo

Have you thought about writing a book?  If you have, it’s very cool to explore what books feel like and look like and what you like about them and what you don’t.

Now – Take Action (and read a book!)

What is your favourite book about business or mindset?  Share in the comments below so we can all benefit. I’d also love to continue the conversation in the Natupreneur Hub, so come join us over there and share your favourite books.

Hopefully, these 7 titles have been useful. If they have please share them with anybody or any practitioner that you know, so we can actually uplevel all of the people in our profession.

unrestricted the book by tammy guest