unrestricted the book by tammy guest

Today, I’m sharing a recent interview with the lovely Kira Sutherland, where we talked all about finding what you are passionate about and how to not be afraid to niche!

This interview features on the Natupreneur podcast. Are you following the podcast?  If not, you might want to check it out – there are some great resources there for you.

Are you afraid to niche?

Selecting a niche is one of the things I constantly see new practitioners and natupreneurs struggle with.

I know – it’s scary to narrow down your offerings to just one specific audience. It feels like you’re cutting yourself off from most of your potential clients.  But that couldn’t be further from the truth!

In reality, niching down to a specific audience is the best way to fill your calendar with ideal clients and really start achieving the success you’ve been dreaming of in your business.

My guest in this podcast episode, Kira Sutherland, is a naturopath and sports nutritionist with over 20 years of clinical practice.  We talk all about ways to identify what areas of service are right for you and how you can get past the fears that are keeping you afraid to niche.

It was an amazing conversation with a lot of gold nuggets. So, if you are still struggling with identifying your niche or feeling resistance about “limiting yourself”, take a listen to the podcast with Kira Sutherland to help you get past your niche fears!


Afraid to Niche? Fear not, check these articles out to help you get started!

I’ve written a lot about finding a niche before. Check out these articles to help you not be afraid to niche anymore:

Where to find Kira Sutherland: