unrestricted the book by tammy guest

Since a lot of people have asked about the “magical spreadsheet” that I use to manifest things in my life, I’m sharing how it works for me. Let’s talk about how to manifest whatever you want with the power of clarity!

About Manifestation

It’s based on a whole bunch of little principles that I’ve picked up throughout my life.

Many of these principles came from my friend Denise Duffield Thomas and it first started when I really needed to pay about $12,000 worth of bills in about eight days. To do that was just mind-blowing, at the time, because I wasn’t having thousand dollar days or anything like that.  I ran a beautiful, busy clinic. So lots and lots of clients and helping heaps of people. But I really didn’t know how to move money and cash through my business.

I came up with this idea that if I write to the universe (very woo-woo) and I’m specific about what I ask, then not only will the universe know but I will know.

See, I knew a lot about neuro-linguistic programming, the reticular activating system in your brain, and pattern recognition systems with my background in science.  So I figured, “I’ll trick my brain AND I’ll get onto the woo-woo track of it.”

Getting Really Specific

So I wrote down a very specific request of the universe. This has been really drilled into me since going to Awesomeness Fest and seeing Lisa Nichols. She’s got an a great book called Abundance Now. And, of course, Denise has Get Rich, Lucky Bitch and the ChillPreneur book.

All of these books say that getting really specific when putting in your order to the universe and I love it because it works like going to a restaurant, right? You don’t go, “Hey, I’d like more food, please.” Because what are they gonna give you when you say that?

If you just ask for “more money, please,” how is the universe going to bring you more money? They might bring you:

  • a car
  • some opportunities
  • being a beneficiary in a will

There might be more money but it might not be as specific as you need it to be.

So writing it down was my first way of doing it. I would write,

Dear Universe, By this Friday at 5:00 pm, I need (or want) this for this, that for that, this for this, and that for that (being very specific). Thank you! I’m really excited about this or something better. Love, Tammy

So it started off like that.

Inventing The “Magical Spreadsheet”

Now, my husband Murray is not exactly into the woo-woo frame of mind (although he’s gotten used to me doing it, now). But he is really into spreadsheets. I was not. But once I embraced the spreadsheet from a woo-woo perspective, that’s a whole different kettle of fish!

So what we now do is put in the spreadsheet exactly:

  • what we would like
  • things that we require
  • stuff that we need
  • a dash of what we want

Abundance Mindset

An abundance mindset is that rather than enough is enough, just enough, or lack, we go with abundance. What would it look like to have the exact amount for this thing. Plus, I really want to create a new retreat space here or overseas. I want to invite people to give back and I have started to explore what that looks like and how much it will cost.

How much:

  • a piece of land will cost in different countries and spaces
  • it would cost to build
  • it’ll cost to buy or lease for a certain amount of time
  • and what environment we want to create there
  • what extras we want to put there

That really motivated me in a way that I couldn’t have understood before. So I put my goal, my vision, my dream, my order in with the universe. “I would like fries with that and more. Thank you universe!”And then over on the other side, I write down exactly who I want to help, how I want to help them, and how many people I want to help.

How To Manifest With The Power Of Clarity

So on one side of my magical spreadsheet is exactly what I want. Exactly. And I’m talking I’ve googled flat-pack granny flats to make little cabins for people to come and stay at these retreat spaces, I’ve explored different water features – and shipping containers! That’s a whole different world – and put all of that stuff in the spreadsheet.

And on the other side, how do I really want to help?

How can I:

  • create value for a certain amount of people to come along for an adventure or journey?
  • develop more opportunities for people to connect?
  • create a course that’s going to help hundreds of people?

And how many of those do I need to get involved in a course or retreat for me to actually get those bottom two numbers to match or obviously be in favour of the thing that I want to create?

So that’s my magical manifesting spreadsheet. The little bit extra on the end there is that the magic truly started to happen when Murray got involved. When he started to put on the spreadsheet the things that he wanted to manifest and the things that he could bring to the table with the number of people that we want to help, the types of companies we want to work with, and the things we want to do. We have this catalytic kind of manifesting ability.

I’ve seen it lots of times with my mentees. When they get their partners involved in their manifesting whiteboard, there’s a power and a catalytic effect with two energies working together.

Take Action

So hopefully this has been helpful to you. If it was or you think it would be for somebody else, please share it.

I’d love to hear what you are manifesting  – so leave me a comment, below: What’s your biggest dream to manifest and how would you like to create that?

unrestricted the book by tammy guest