unrestricted the book by tammy guest

We just had a full moon on Sunday. A full moon is a time of letting go, which got me thinking about a few things.  So, let’s talk about the full moon, letting go of old patterns, and the importance of embracing what’s right for you now.

Full Moon = Letting Go

As I mentioned, there was a full moon on Sunday.  On the same day, I held a webinar and closed the doors for my Maverick Mastermind (but you can jump on the waitlist here for the next intake).

In that webinar, I shared about the Cycle of Business that I have really been connecting with during this pandemic. By doing so, it’s created an amazing flow in my business with much less of a strive-drive-burnout feeling than before.

By nourishing my nervous system during this time, incredible opportunities have come up. Space for my health and well-being, as well as more connections with my family have been happening.

You may know that a full moon is a time of letting go of all that no longer serves you so you can welcome in the new. With this full moon happening at the same my new mastermind was closing, it got me thinking about all the things I’ve been letting go and how that’s helped me embrace what’s right for me now.

Old Patterns I’ve Released

I’ve been letting go of:

  • people I follow on socials who don’t make me feel amazing
  • subscriptions in the inbox
  • alcohol
  • not putting myself first
  • ignoring nature – there is so much to learn from it!
  • helping everybody
  • anybody who wants to have excuses
  • the need for perfection
  • not being able to change my mind

What Can You Let Go Of?

I’m choosing to create a whole bunch of new things and I can’t wait to see how it will affect my life.

And I’d love to hear what YOU are letting go of to make room for something new. Will you leave me a comment below?

What Did You Want From 2020 Before The Pandemic?

There has been a common theme coming through with the people I talk to lately and it’s about the goals we had at the beginning of 2020. And during these crazy pandemic times, I’ve actually seen a beautiful shift happening.

My friend said it perfectly this week, “just that little pandemic that we needed to have.”  It really rings true when you think about what you wanted to create at the beginning of this year versus where you are now.

So I’d like to know. . .

  • What did you want at the beginning of 2020? Do you remember? Did you write it down? What was it based on?
  • Did the ‘little pandemic we needed to have’ change what you wanted?
  • What’s something you could do today to move closer to the new things you want?
  • What do you want to create now?
  • Why are the things we wanted at the beginning of 2020 so different from what we want now?

There is a sense that what we thought we wanted to create freedom in our lives was actually going to bind us into that old busy, being busy story.

Imagine If What You Want Now Creates More Freedom For You?

One of the things that I am creating for myself is the freedom to make choices that feel good.

I’ve been wanting to try out archery. So I contacted the local wild archery (just out in the wild, not like for a sport). And I gave it a go! Even though it feels uncomfortable.

Freedom doesn’t come with ease and flow all the time. There’s usually a level of discomfort.

But it’s generally a simple choice.  For me, it was to contact the archery club and find out which one I could go to. A simple choice to pay the ten dollars and do the thing.

It seems simple but it feels so hard sometimes.

  • It’s going to happen on a Saturday. . .
  • What will happen with my family?
  • Is it really what I want?
  • What if I don’t like it?
  • As an adult, it’s a very strange thing to go out there and do that.
  • Is it just for kids?

Just because it’s a simple thing doesn’t mean it’s necessarily an easy thing to create space for freedom inside your comfort zone.

So my invitation to you is to look at what this ‘little pandemic that we needed to have’ has created in your life.

What Does Freedom Look Like For You?

With all of this in mind, I’m embracing what’s right for me now. Things like. . .

  • the moon
  • my sacred connection (not just my scientific connection)
  • archery
  • and focusing on who I AM here to help – those amazing, exciting people who are ready to go on an exploration – inside as well as outside!

What signposts are there for you to notice what freedom looks and feels like for YOU?

Take Action

Here are my suggestions and an invitation.

Take a look back at what you wanted at the beginning of this year that may have shifted and changed.  What can you do right now to create more freedom in your comfort zone? If you truly want the things that will bring you freedom, what’s one thing you could do today that could give you that?

Is it to let go of some old behaviours that no longer serve you?

Or is it to embrace a new way forward? A new goal for your life in 2020 and beyond?

If you want to expand your comfort zone and discover what’s truly out there for you, consider joining the waitlist for when the doors reopen for the Maverick Mastermind.

Share below what you are releasing and what new things you may embrace going forward. And if you have any questions about the Maverick Mastermind, ask away in the comments.

I can’t wait to see what you will do.