unrestricted the book by tammy guest

You know that jiggly feeling you get inside when you know you need to do something? Well, if you feel it, you need to lean into that jiggle and stretch your comfort zone in order to grow.

Let me share why…

The Importance Of Leaning Into The Jiggle

This realisation came to me the other day when I recognised that when I follow that jiggly feeling, it’s a really good internal compass. It reminds me of where my comfort zone is, and where I can bump up against it and then stretch it a little. And it creates a little growth in between.

When we expand like this, there’s more space for us to continue to grow.

Sure it can sometimes make us feel expansive. Sometimes we can feel contracted by it. But that jiggle – that little knowing, the little niggly feeling – sometimes we label it as ‘fear.’ Or we might label it as ‘uncomfortable.’  And sometimes it’s even, “Heck, no! I’m not going there!” 

That feeling is actually the best place for you to lean in and stretch your comfort zone.

I’ve been feeling it a lot lately. And when you feel that jiggle, you’ll also notice all of the old programs that come in.

Consciously Move Past Old Programming

This happened to me the other day. It was the morning and I thought, “I’m gonna make my cacao, I’m gonna journal and it’s amazing.” I usually make the cacao for myself and Murray, my hubby.

But he wasn’t there that morning, so I was like, “Do I have to go to all that effort to make it and put it in the Thermomix? And then I gotta clean it all up, just for one little cacao.”

I could feel that that’s where I wanted to go, that it was the next step for my journaling to crack open to a new level of something for me. But for half an hour, I debated in my head.

I listened to all my old programming about how:

  • much effort it was
  • tiring it was
  • I’d have to clean up
  • and I’d have I have to do all these other things

And for that half an hour, I could have had that cacao out in my hands, writing and journaling.

How Often Do We Do This?

So then I wondered – how many times do we do this?

We get this jiggle, this knowing, of where we need to be. We know what we need to be doing and we just push against it, bump up against.

It’s too much money, too much time, too much effort, too much whatever.

But it’s an amazing intuition that actually grows us and creates an expansion that we didn’t have before.

My office chair is the perfect example.

I have spent so much time on this chair, teaching, mentoring, sharing, and really getting my message across…. and it’s really worn out, and raggedy round the edges.

When I sit in it now, it doesn’t make me feel how I want to feel when I’m working.

This chair has been niggling at me with a feeling for a while to go and get a brand new chair. And, even though I spend so much time in this chair every week, I have been resisting the upgrade. I have been resisting the jiggly feeling inside to make the change.

And so the niggle persisted, and got louder.

Yet I resisted the change because all the old excuses came up….

  • The new one costs more than I’d like to spend 
  • I don’t deserve it
  • I don’t have time to get a new one 
  • I’ll have to get rid of the other one, that’s just another thing on my to-do list 

But this is MY office. This is where my work, my magic, my creativity needs to happen.

SO, I’m finally leaning into that niggle and getting the new chair. The one I’ve admired and wanted for so long… but have been resisting.

I’m really listening to my feelings about:

  • what type of chair I want to sit in
  • how I want to sit on the Earth
  • being in gratitude for it
  • how I want to appreciate being in a chair that makes me feel expansive and abundant
  • being in a space to truly be of service to the people that I speak to

Taking action on this one restrictive niggle, has opened up a beautiful space both inside me, and inside my office, that feels so much more expansive. It feels fresh and free, and I feel completely inspired.

So, that’s my message for you today…

Lean Into The Niggle

When you feel that niggly, jiggly feeling, when you know you need to take action on something but you notice yourself coming up with a million excuses – lean in

Move past the excuses and really listen to what that niggle is trying to tell you. Lean into that jiggle to stretch your comfort zone and grow.

And the niggly feeling that I was just describing – it happens to all of us. It doesn’t disappear no matter where you are in your life or your journey.  It shows up in different ways for all of us, you just have to tune in to yourself and see where you’re blocking yourself and in a state of resistance.

Take Action

If this has helped you or you know someone else it would help, please share it with them!

And the next time you feel that niggle, lean in and create growth. Create that bigger space in your comfort zone.

unrestricted the book by tammy guest