unrestricted the book by tammy guest

There is something I see happening a lot – people feeling jealous of others’ success. So I want to talk about why you shouldn’t let this hold you back. In fact, it’s actually your green light to go after your goals!

First, I’d like to acknowledge all of you who are doing it tough right now. Whether it’s because of lockdown in Melbourne in Victoria, homeschooling your kids, or you’re just having a rough time dealing with the crazy world right now. My heart goes out to you and I want you to know you’re not alone.

Let’s Talk Jealousy

Do you ever get onto socials and start feeling that green-eyed monster of jealousy creeping in?

There you are, just having a little scroll on Instagram or Facebook. And all of a sudden you get a pang about something like:

  • That person just did the thing I wanted to do!
  • I wish I had pivoted my business that way
  • OMG – they just bought that car I want!!
  • She looks amazing in that dress
  • Wow, look at this website
  • I wish I could put words together that way.

Please tell me I’m not alone in this. You’ve felt it, too, right?

This is something I’ve heard from all my mentees. And I’ve definitely gone through it myself a few times.

The first time I felt this was maybe ten years ago. There was a practitioner who started creating eCourses. I thought,

  • “Wow, that’s something we can do? That’s pretty cool.”
  • “But she’s already done a course on adrenal fatigue, so now I can’t do that.”
  • “I wish I had the guts to do that.”
  • “She’s making money while she sleeps. I wish I could do that.”
  • “She’s making millions of dollars and changing thousands of peoples’ lives! That’s what I want to do.”

Now, here I am years later (and a few million dollars made) and I’ve done it, too!

More recently, I started the death scroll on socials and started looking at other people’s websites (because I was working on my branding). And I thought, I really want to embrace these parts of me that might not appear the way that I used to be. These parts that are more vulnerable, where I don’t have to filter my voice and share my woo-woo side of things.

And all of a sudden, people doing those exact thing came out of the woodwork! There were amazing social posts I wished were mine. I wanted to appear online just like them.

Have you ever felt like that and wished you could do things the way someone else is already doing it?

I’m sure your answer is yes because we all do it at some point or another.  But there’s a cool thing about the green eyed monster of jealousy.

Whether it’s about making money while asleep, making a certain amount of money, going after a certain goal, or just doing things differently – the upside is that we CAN do it! Nothing is holding us back.

See, whether you call it the green-eyed monster, envy, or jealousy – it’s actually your green light to go after that very thing.

Mindset Reframe

This is the important thing to remember. If you see someone else being successful at something you want to do – that just confirms that there is a market for it.

Years ago when I was creating my first eCourse on adrenal fatigue, there were a bunch of people who had already done. Seriously, TONS of people! But I reminded myself that they were not the only ones who could do it and that MY voice is really important in that position. So I went ahead and made the course.

And the same is true of every other eCourse I’ve done since then.

So instead of being jealous that someone else has already done what you are thinking of doing, reframe your mindset and realise that it is proof a market exists for your thing.  If someone else has done it, you can, too.

It’s probably been there all along. But you’re noticing it and resonating with it now because you’re ready to step into that arena, as well.

I had the same experience with helicopters. Other women have learned to fly helicopters before me. And that means I can fly a helicopter as well.

So whatever it is for you, notice when you you feel that jealousy or envy. And realise that it’s not about the person you’re looking at it.  It literally has nothing to do with them.

It’s actually a green light for you to pursue your goal.

Whenever you notice that little tingle of jealousy, that little pang of envy, that internal wish that you could do it – you totally can!

People are buying it = there is a market for it.

Someone else has done it before = there is a way to do it. You just need to learn the steps and the skills and you can do it, too. 

Everyone Is Not At The Same Stage

Don’t think that the same thing is coming up for everybody. If you’re looking at this type of stuff in your feed, it’s happening for YOU right now like a nice mirror to show you what you really want.

This happened to me just a little while ago. I was feeling envious of how someone really invited people into seeing that part of her. It was exactly the thing I’ve wanted to do. But I didn’t see until another person did it first.

That’s a Green Light. 

And that’s why you might have seen some changes recently in my business recently, including:

  • my website
  • the systems and processes
  • how things are running

It’s all because I was able to first feel it, and then it was reflected back at me as the green eyed monster (aka jealousy).

But I accepted it in as a Green Light, took the aligned action that resonated with me, and it bounced back and hit me.

What’s Bouncing Around In Your World Right Now?

What are you noticing you get envious about?

Where are you feeling jealousy and wish you could do that?

It’s all actually a great sign for you to turn that way and go do it.

You are capable, smarter than you think, and braver than you believe

(And all the Winnie The Pooh quotes I can think of).

Wherever you are noticing it, that’s exactly what you need to do. It’s a green light right now for you.

But the thing about green lights is they then turn orange and then turn red again. So go when it’s green, all right?

When you see the opportunity to go green – take it! Create whatever it is you desire. You have the capability and the possibility of creating it for yourself. It’s just taking the little tiny steps to get there.


P.S. If you want to learn how to create your first e-course or program, check out my DIY E-Course course.

unrestricted the book by tammy guest