When I meet a natural health practitioner looking to pivot online, one of the first things I suggest they do is to share their knowledge.


Because it helps to create genuine connections with current and potential clients by meeting them where they are – in online places and spaces.

There is so much value in what you do each and every day in your practice. And when you take that and present it digitally, you help your clients learn about their bodies, health, and wellness in an easy to access way, no matter where they are.

Here are 6 Ways You Can Share Your Knowledge Online

Host A Webinar

In this day and age, it is truly easy to create a webinar.

And the best part is – you probably have something on your computer right now you can use as inspiration for a webinar. If you’ve previously prepared something for an in-person presentation or client handout, you’re already halfway there.

Presenting a webinar online is pretty easy these days, thanks to platforms like:

These user-friendly tools make it hassle-free to create and present a webinar.

Offer An Online Course

Do you repeat the same information over and over to your clients?  If so, turn that information into an online course.

The beauty of an online course is that you only put in the effort once to create the course. Then you can use it to educate your clients time and time again.

This is also an amazing opportunity to help more clients than 1:1 consultations allow.

Give Free Trainings

There are so many ways to offer free training for current and potential clients these days.

Facebook Lives, IGTV, and other social media networks make it super easy to connect with your audience and answer questions.

And Bonus – you can easily package up the recordings of those live trainings as a paid course or free opt-in on your website.

Use Your Blog

Don’t forget about your blog! It’s a fantastic way to share your knowledge right there on your website. These articles also help you attract ideal clients to your website when they appear in Google search results.

Over time, you can collect blog posts on similar topics and package them up as an e-book to share for free with your clients. This is a perfect way to build your email list.

Consider Vlogs

If you’re not a fan of writing blog posts, consider a vlog instead.

A vlog is the video version of a blog. Instead of writing blog posts, you record yourself talking about the information and upload it to a video viewing platform.

Did you know that YouTube is the second largest search engine, right behind Google?

So, sharing videos there is not only a free and easy way for your current clients to view your videos but an awesome way to attract new, potential clients, as well.

Create A Podcast

Podcasts have grown 37.4% in popularity over the past 3 years. And, it’s a great way to share your knowledge.

Create content with apps like Anchor, or apply to be interviewed by influencers whose audience includes your ideal clients.

Choose Your Platform, Your Price, and Share

Bottom line? Sharing your knowledge these days is easy.

All you need to do is choose a platform, set a price, and then share your content.

And If you feel like no one is looking at your content, start by sharing it via your online networks and go from there.

Once you’ve created these amazing things that can benefit many people – don’t be shy! Share it far and wide.

Take Action

I hope this has inspired you to take action and start meeting your clients where they hang out in online spaces and places. And maybe even consider pivoting your business to online consultations.

Ready to get started? Download my How to Pivot to Online Consults checklist as the first step.

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