unrestricted the book by tammy guest

At the time of this writing, I’m on what I’m calling a ‘radical sabbatical.’ I’ve stepped away from my normal routine to explore new ways to live, work, and grow. And in so doing, I may have accidentally discovered how to be more creative.

My Radical Sabbatical

Now I know this conjures up some interesting thoughts for some, and I’m cool with that.

What it means to me though, is a chosen season of study, travel, and rest … to allow what is coming through me to guide me in letting go of what no longer serves me.

See, what you may not know is that I have multiple potentially game-changing ideas a day. But if I act on ALL of them, my world and my adrenals get in all sorts of trouble (yes, I’ve learnt this lesson the hard way!)

So now I focus on one thing at a time and add other ideas to journals or pin-boards for future contemplation.

As I’ve taken a few weeks off to rest, I have started to feel creativity coming to play, with 5 divine downloads a day!

In my practice of rest and patience, I’m pausing to write each of these ideas down, acknowledge them, and then let them go to make way for the next shower of them.

I’m feeling a sense that if I give them enough room, the most important one with the most impact will stick.

Before this, I’ve resisted that type of patience. I pushed through, took all the action, got loud, hustled… but that’s not my jam right now. Instead, I’m definitely in a space of ELIMINATING rather than creating and delegating. I want to create more space within first before focusing on my next big idea.

How To Be More Creative

This practice of eliminating and letting go, whilst daunting at first, has actually been quite FREEING!

In fact, the universe has dealt me some lovely nudges this past week to help me let go of more things that weigh on my time and energy.

For example …

  • the Facebook and Messenger apps just stopped working… so I took them off my phone entirely!
  • my wallet was getting full and bulky with cards I just don’t use. So the other night I emptied it to only what I need. And the rest haven’t gone back in. Plus, in trying to find the cards, I surreptitiously cleared out my car and handbag too.

What a sweet feeling of freedom and release.

And I’ve found that the more I let go of, the more creative I am.

So in this season of ‘elimination’ I’m looking to see what else in my biz and life isn’t a 10/10 for me and let it go… and in doing that learn to be more patient with myself and my creativity.

My Suggestions And An Invitation To You

Take a look back at what you wanted at the beginning of this year (or last year) that may have shifted and changed, but still taking up time, space, and energy in your day-to-day life.

Is it time to let go of some old behaviours, things, and practices that no longer serve you?

How can you make space for yourself to release and let go so that you can make a new way forward to the life and biz you actually want?

If you need help with this process, go check out my article on Letting Go With The Full Moon.