I’ve been running parts of my natural health practice online since 2014. So you could say I’ve got a fair bit of experience understanding the benefits of working from anywhere.

When I started my first business, I wasn’t terribly sure about how to get my name and business out to people or to get people to come and see me in my clinic.

I quickly realised that I needed to change my mindset, so I went about doing that.

And while I did, I noticed that there was quite a big chunk missing in what I had been taught in the earlier days.

Specifically around:

  • Moving things online
  • How to market to get your name out there
  • Using technology to amplify your message
  • How to share the message of the benefits of health and wellbeing with people

And in doing so, I ballooned my clinical practice to multiple other practitioners.

I expanded my business from one-on-ones into one-to-many and shared the message of health and wellbeing with others.

But before I could truly understand the benefits of working from anywhere, I had to stop believing the ‘brules.’ Maybe you’ve heard of these.

Don’t Let ‘Brules’ Stop You From Experiencing the Benefits of Working From Anywhere

‘Brules’ are what I call baloney rules many of us within the profession believe are true – but they really aren’t.

There is a lot of information about how to transition your business from offline to online. But if you buy into the baloney rules, it’s going to take you much longer to get where you want to go.

Some examples of ‘brules’ are:

  • I’ll never make any money
  • 1:1 consultation is required
  • It’s impossible to stand out
  • I need to look/be/behave a certain way
  • I have to have done XYZ before I start

These hidden attitudes often linger beneath the surface and it’s only when we face them and overcome them that we change the way we show up.

So the first step is getting past those ‘brules.

Because when you make the transition from offline business to 100% online and work from wherever, the benefits will flow through and impact both you and your clients.

Here’s how.

5 Benefits of Working From Anywhere

You’ll see massive benefits in these areas when you move your business online:

Benefit #1: Clients

Clients can connect with you wherever you are. It’s safe for them to do so and so much easier – now more than ever.

With one click of a link, they get direct access to you which is a much more efficient use of their time – and yours.

Benefit #2: Marketing

When it comes to connecting with your potential and current clients, the technology for marketing is so much easier and cheaper these days.

Everything is much more simple and streamlined than you might realise, especially if it’s been a while since you checked into it.

Benefit #3: Money

Digitising your business makes it much easier for clients to pay you online. There are now many options for accepting online payments, so you can choose one that suits your practice best.

In some cases, you may be able to get payments straight away, before you even begin your appointments!

Benefit #4: Education

Once upon a time, education meant a face-to-face program, like a symposium. But every day, the world gets more comfortable with webinars, e-courses and online events.

There are many ways to connect with people and bring them together through programs, packages, and more.

Benefit #5: Be In Your Clients’ Pocket

Has your client ever said something like, “I wish I could carry you in my pocket, so you could completely understand where I’m coming from?”

The reality is that you CAN do this – Today. Now. As we speak.

You can move your business from in-person to online and still be there for your clients. Probably more so than ever.

Become their trusted advisor when you show up through:

  • Creating packages or programs
  • Offering smaller consultations
  • Providing consistent and persistent education through online platforms
  • Speaking on podcasts or interviews
  • Appearing on social media lives or webinars

If There Was Ever a Time To Start Working From Anywhere – It Is Now

Still unsure about digitising your business completely? Consider what we know about what people do online every day.

In just 60 seconds:

  • 1 million people log onto Facebook
  • 3.8 million search queries go through Google (and of those 3.8 million, 18% are about health!)
  • 4.5 million videos are viewed on YouTube

Plus, there are so many other spaces and places people are active online.

Doesn’t it make sense for you to also be in those spaces and places providing information they need? And easy ways for them to book in with you?

Of course, it does!

Take Action

Now is the perfect time to take action and start experiencing the benefits of working from anywhere.

Get started right now by downloading my free How to Pivot Online Checklist here.