unrestricted the book by tammy guest

It’s a known fact that Praccies are learners. We love learning something new to help our clients (and ourselves)!

Each year when I sit down to map out the Natupreneur Experience event, learning, the different ways we learn, and what practitioners want to learn, are always a central focus when selecting speakers, the activities and the spaces for the event.

Further to this, the whole Natupreneur Experience was designed to not only connect and inspire our profession, but also to give every single attendee:

  • new ideas,
  • tangible skills, and
  • practical knowledge.

Allowing attendees to walk away from the event able to create real change in their business, their life, their career, and themselves.

So today I want to share with you some of the things you can learn when you attend the upcoming Natupreneur Experience (live or virtual), so that you can see a glimpse of how this event can really change things for you.

You ready (it’s a long list)? Here goes!

🧘 Self-Care & Expanding Complimentary Modality Knowledge:

  • How to build resilience using hormetic stressors and breathwork
  • Understand the basics of EFT
  • Learn how to quickly zap overwhelm and “imposter syndrome” with tapping
  • How to overcome blocks in your life with meditation
  • The Ayurvedic perspective on using food and business as medicine

👩‍🏫 Business & Marketing Mastery:

  • Productivity Hacks for Small Business Owners: How to hack your motivation mojo and get sh** done!
  • Emotional resilience for the practitioner in the new world
  • Get Your Legals Sorted: Slay the fear of forms and create delightful legal disclaimers
  • Powerful presenting, especially for hosting online presentations, workshops and webinars
  • How to pivot from community and corporate education to online education
  • How mentoring creates new depth for the experienced practitioner
  • How to utilise online marketing to build your business
  • How to diversify your income streams to increase your revenue
  • How you can take 2 weeks off from your business and not only restore your adrenals but your bank account
  • How to create a business that allows you to work from wherever
  • Mastering your Mindset as a practitioner and business owner
  • Understanding the power of programs and packages to streamline and diversify your income
  • Hooked! How to connect, engage and inspire clients with storytelling

👩‍⚕️ Learn from specialist Practitioners


🤗 Keynote Presentations from these Incredible Women:

Not to mention all the learnings you will get from your fellow practitioners you meet at the event. I personally find that those amazing in-between events connections you experience are often the most valuable of all!

Imagine what you can do in 2021 after immersing yourself in this incredible knowledge!! 

I’m so excited about NatEx 2021 – I don’t want you to miss any of these wonderful opportunities to learn, connect, and grow.

Will you join us there? 

VIP and Virtual Tickets are still available. Get your ticket here and join us for all the fun.

Sending you big virtual hugs and high fives,


P.S. Did you miss the 2020 NatEx event? Get instant access to all of the incredible keynote presentations here.