You know how sometimes you can get into a flow state when you’re working and you get a ton of things done and it just seems effortless?

Flow is sort of a “holy grail” for entrepreneurs – we’re always looking for ways to achieve it. So, today we’re talking about how closing loops helps you find flow in your business easier.

There’s a beautiful nature reserve that we’ve got here called Glenrock that has an amazing waterfall and creek. Whenever I see it, it reminds me of what it’s like to be in flow and how we get ourselves caught in eddies like the ones you see at the side of the creek.

One of the ways to prevent getting caught in that eddy is to close your loops.

Closing loops

Closing loops is hugely important when it comes to flow.

When you think about a water current flowing, you’ve got flow right down the centre.  That’s where it is going super fast.  But around the edges sometimes we get little bits that curl off and form little eddies (the little circles of water at the side of the flow). When this happens, they tend to flow off into their own little thing.

The thing is, this detracts from the main flow.

This is the thing about finding flow in our business. When we have these little half loops coming off the sides, then you’re not getting a closed loop.  So that energy, time, and effort that you’re spending thinking about other things takes away from the main flow of your business.

What are your open loops?

Now, I do my absolute best to stay in integrity and practice what I preach.

So when I was teaching about finding more flow by closing loops recently, I made a point to go and find all of my open loops this week. And yesterday – literally in the past 24 hours – I have:

  • booked my last three exams for helicopters
  • scheduled my aviation medical for helicopters
  • paid a bill that needed to be paid
  • booked my car in for a service that was overdue by a month
  • arranged to see the chiropractor this afternoon to align my shoulders up because I’ve been hunched over the computer lately for a launch
  • got a whole bunch of emails answered that I had left beside the way because my VA was away
  • reviewed over 500 people who were waiting to get into the Natupreneur Hub

I completed a whole bunch of things behind the scenes that were open loops.

If you want more flow in your business, you want all that flow to go down the centre. When you’ve got open loops on the sides, it’s time to close them.  Bring them back around and stop leaking money, time, and energy. Close those loops.

Release tension to give attention

What open loops do you have this week and where can you close them?  Can you close them off to create more flow?

Rather than feeling a little stuck where you are, closing loops gives you an opportunity to find all that energy, time, and momentum and redirect it back into that main stream of your business.

Whatever open loops you may have, maybe you could close those loops this week instead of having the tension out there.

Having tension out in all of these different places means you don’t have the attention that you require for your business.

So where are you leaking out tension instead of having attention for the things that are really important and in alignment with your vision, mission, your values?

Take Action

As I said, I’ve only been working on this for 24 hours because I started getting caught up when I realised I was out of integrity with teaching people about this. And when I started closing my own loops – holy moly! Some epic stuff has happened on the other side of that.

When you have so many open loops, it can feel like you’re chasing your tail and you never quite get around to grabbing your tail. But once you start closing them, it’s an amazing opportunity to create more flow!

As with all of my trainings, you’ll get the best out of it if you take some action.

What loops can you close?

What flow can you create in your business today?

Who can you share this with who needs to hear it?

Get out there and do it!