unrestricted the book by tammy guest

Once you have been in practice for a while, you will notice a pattern with your clients. The ebbs and flows of getting a client from being unwell to well. This pattern can be an important foundation to create an online course for your business.

Creating the foundation for an online course is mapping a journey that you take your clients on where you can usually predict how they are going to go through that journey based on the outcomes you have achieved for your clients before in your practice.

In my Naturopathy clinic, I observed the same. Patterns of progress would emerge as people go through their wellness journey with me.

I specialised in treating clients with adrenal fatigue for a while and I knew that after a certain amount of time they would experience an improvement in their wellbeing. My clients did best when I started to work them on some mindset work at the beginning, talking about food choices and energy expenditure. I also knew that some weeks into their treatment plan with me, they would lose motivation and stray from the path I put them on. I was able to anticipate that and redirect them back on track. By the end of the 12 weeks, when we completed the treatment, they would be healthy, energised and the mental fog would lift as well.

Over time I have observed this pattern consciously and it became a successful routine. This became my signature system and after a while, I was able to shift this into an online format I could apply as and when needed.

If you have only just started your practice, you may not have a signature system yet. You are yet to gain that experience, that long-term observation. If that is the case, you may be able to look at your own life and find how you are solving your problems.

What is your pattern?

I believe that the way we do one thing, is the way we do everything. So even if you’re new to your Natupreneur practice, you can still follow the principals of your problem-solving process to create a signature system.

My process starts with looking at what is no longer in alignment with me. Then I go through those things and declutter.

After that purge I find things that enrich me and I add them to my life.

My last step is to take action.

This is the system I use and it is what I put into my book. It is also the system that I use for my clients.

If you have been in practice for a while, consider what patterns you have observed within your clients. What are the symptoms that come up the most and what are the things that need explaining the most? Once you have that, you too can shift your system to online, and create an online course to share with your clients.