unrestricted the book by tammy guest

A special message from money mindset expert Denise Duffield-Thomas! She shares tips on how to release money blocks and work toward a first-class life – especially for naturopaths, nutritionists, herbalists, and other natural health practitioners.

Denise answers money blocks and questions from actual naturopaths, so listen in to get all her incredible insights.

Answers for Money Blocks For Naturopaths, Nutritionists, and Herbalists:

  • Free Content: It can be a great tool to give your client options and to help establish if your client is ready to take on your services.
  • Business Goals: There is no ‘perfect’ way to set your goals they can be as detail or as little detailed as you like. Denise recommends that you review your goals quarterly so that you stay on track (goals reviewed yearly stray off path).
  • Not seeing your client as just a money sign – Mantra “I serve – I deserve.” Set good money boundaries that are clear for you and your client.
  • The mindset of abundance – You are clear on what you need and want and surround it with positivity.


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