Today I wanted to talk to you about FEAR. It comes up often in the Natupreneur Club, it comes up regularly in business, and it always comes up because we are human.

Fear is a particularly interesting topic when we consider what we would love to see happen for ourselves and our business, and what might not be happening… all because of fear. Fear holds us back. Let’s explore this…

From what I’ve noticed, and the conversations we have in the Club, there is a LOT of fear around.

What are some of your biggest fears? 

One of my biggest fears is around being seen, and being judged.

Common fears that come up among the Natupreneurs are:

  • I dont know enough
  • I’m not confident enough
  • I dont have enough experience
  • I’m not techy enough
  • I’m not ‘hip’ enough
  • I’m not known enough
  • I’m afraid people will talk negatively about me
  • I’m not smart enough

All these things hide behind the scenes, just below the surface, yet they are ALWAYS there. So, let’s bring them out in the open and talk about them, because you are enough.

The beauty of fear is that once we can see it for what it really is, we can address it rationally instead of pretending that it is not there.

Talking about fear allows other people to notice that they are not alone, because we are all human, so we all fear, and we all judge, and we are all being judged. Most of the time we are being judged by ourselves! We are definitely our harshest critic.

In the process of understanding your fears, seeing and outing them for what they are, you are essentially shining a light on the ‘dark’ bits.

Tim Ferris has a very interesting take on fear. He talks about what is the true risk of your fear. The concept being that fear is just a risk, your perception of that risk, and what is on the other side of that risk.

Risk being the action/s taken  where there is an irreversible, negative consequence.

When you start to look at our fears, the things that we are SO worried about, is there a way to reverse it, buffer it or negate it? Is there a way to turn it around into a positive? Is a consequence always something that is a bad thing, or is it just a result?

Just the same way that we set goals, we have a fear setting. So, how can we set for our fears in the same way that we set for our goals?

How can we be so amazing, and have all of these wonderful ideas, and help so many people with our gift YET we let fear hold us back from our true potential? Why do we let it get in the way of serving?

When it comes to the things that you fear the most, how can you start leaning into your fear? 

My fear of being visible pushes me to keep showing up live online, every single week. It’s intense and ever present I do it.

I’ve found that, similar to setting business goals, the more I face my fears, I bring that deep fear up a little closer to the light; I create a new baseline for the fear. Every time I expand my comfort level, I set a new baseline for myself and my fear. I’m adjusting my internal fear setting. And you can do it too. So I encourage you to always…

Feel the fear, lean in and do it anyway.

Tammy x