Let’s talk about the Feather, the Brick, and the Mack Truck. This is a concept I used for years with my clients and mentees as it works wonders for managing your business, your life or your health. Let me explain…

The Feather

The feather is when you have a little tickle, a little niggle. What I mean by that is when there’s a feeling inside you – it’s generally a little lower than your head – that little niggling feeling like a little itch you know you need to scratch. You know you need to look at what’s happening underneath there but you do nothing about it.

So the feather is that little persistent niggle where you know you should do something about it.

For my health clients, it was usually something like:

  • start moving more
  • stop drinking so much
  • quit eating that particular food that’s causing my tummy some little problems

The Feather is kind of annoying and it tickles but not enough to actually really do something big about it.

The Brick

Now, if you ignore the feather, the brick comes. And the brick slams you in the face.

For a lot of my naturopathic clients, it was something that slowed them down, such as:

  • a hospital visit
  • an accident or injury
  • a diagnosis

Something that actually stops you and makes sure you have to do the thing you were going to do for your health or wellbeing and pay attention to your body.

How Does This Apply To Business?

For my entrepreneurial mentees, the Feather looks like, “I know I need to create that course and do online consults, but…. <insert any reason here>

Then something like Covid-19 happens and everyone HAS to jump online – Boom! Brick, right to the face.  Have to do something about it.

And then there is the Mack Truck…

The Mack Truck

The Mack Truck is what happens when you’ve ignored all the feathers tickling you. You’ve even ignored the bricks that were sent your way. Instead of doing something about them, you just kept going back to the way you’ve always done things.

Then, WHAM – the Mack Truck stops you in your tracks and lays you flat.

I used to see this all the time with chronic fatigue. There was only so many times I could explain how adrenal fatigue works and what contributes to that and then wham – someone gets hit with chronic fatigue or some weird and wacky virus.

The same thing happens in the entrepreneurial world when you know you need to do something, but you haven’t, like creating that course or taking your business online…. But you didn’t and all of a sudden all your clients and leads dry up…. All of the possibilities aren’t there anymore and you’re starting to question why you’re doing all of this in the first place….

It Can Happen To Any Of Us

Now, I’ve experienced both sides of this.

I’ve definitely had the tickle of ‘I should really change the way I’m doing things because adrenal fatigue is on my door.’ But I didn’t and – Wham! Adrenal fatigue. And then other weird and wacky things came after, making sure I had to really stop and recuperate.

I’ve also had the entrepreneurial versions, the feathery tickles of:

  • It’s just a little broken link, I’ll fix that later
  • I still need to set up that scheduler at some point
  • Ugh, I need to write the copy for that sales page

Then a brick hits.

Suddenly somebody wants my attention, there’s a complaint, or an email that’s supposed to be part of a whole series of emails doesn’t get to the people that it needs to.

And then there’s a Mack Truck. I’ve been there before, too.

It’s all because we’re ignoring the feathers at the beginning.

Are you ignoring your feathers?

So, what’s your little niggle?

What feathers have you been ignoring that if you just go and pay it some attention, you’ll actually get your stuff done and never get the Brick because you’ll have closed the loop of that Feather?

What if you are currently in a Brick?

If you are in pain, you have some form of health condition coming up, or something’s really stagnant inside your business – that’s a Brick.

You have to stop and pay it the attention it needs.  See what loops need to be closed so that you can move forward without a Mack Truck having to hit. Truly pay it attention and take the action needed.

Take Action

Hopefully, that was helpful. If it is, please share it so others can benefit.

And next time you feel that Feather, pay it attention. Do what you need to do, close the loop, and don’t wait for the Brick or the Mack Truck to keep moving forward!