Everybody wants more clients. You’ve just opened your practice and you’re ready for clients to come through the door in droves…

After all, there are over 7 billion people living on the planet right now and many of them are not well. We have people in our communities that would really benefit from talking to us about their health needs. People are not eating their 4-6 serves of vegetables a day. There are people not drinking enough water and people who are just plain stressed to the max. That’s about 80% of the population, as you know.

There are plenty of people to be healed, so why are they not coming through your door?

You think, maybe they can’t find you or maybe it’s the economy, or your website, or your Facebook page.

Let me tell you, mindset is a huge contributor to how we show up.

Every conversation you have on Facebook, blogs you post and every other thing you communicate might be tainted with the things that are going on up there, in your head.

Does this sound familiar:

  • I’m not confident enough in my knowledge.
  • I don’t have enough experience.
  • Haven’t lost enough weight yet to start promoting myself.
  • I haven’t done the forms I need yet for my business.
  • My house isn’t professional enough to open a practice.

And the conversation keeps going like this. But but but…not enough not enough … yet yet yet.

You can’t show up or attract clients if you are constantly distracted by these thoughts in your head. It affects the energy you are putting out into the world.

How are you showing up in the conversations that matter with your clients? Even your small mannerisms change depending on what is going on in your head. This doesn’t just happen when you’re communicating with people in person. It also comes through in your written communications as well. This can stand in the way of the conversations you really want to have with a person in front of you.

If you’re coming at it from a perspective that you want to serve this client lovingly and with compassion, you need to be present for them. Right there, in the moment.

If you coming to your clients with all those questions of not being good enough, or not ready and such, then it will be a different kind of conversation.

There might not even be a conversation to start with because you’re hiding. You’re hiding by not telling people about what you do. When you dont put a sign on your clinic or your house, by not having a ‘Book Now’ button on your Facebook page or website… You’re essentially hiding yourself from the people who truly need your help.

At any given time you might be walking by dozens of people in your local community who need your help. With 80% of the population being stressed, chances are that most of the people around you suffer from it as well. Naturopaths and nutritionist have the power to help all those people!

Imagine all the flow on effects as a result.

Stress plays a role in so many health issues! Fertility, hormonal issues, sleep problems, cramps, behavioural changes in kids are all stress related problems you could help with. And that is just one example.

When you have a brick and mortar business, like a health clinic or a health food shop, people who walk into your business are already looking for something. Looking for a solution to a health problem. They are primed to have the relevant conversation with you. Express your interest in helping them and extend an invitation to continue the conversation while being fully present with them in the moment. Tell them how you can help them.

If you’re practising from home, there are other opportunities where you can tell people who you are and what you do. Your local community notice boards, libraries, shopping centres, local schools are all forums where you can find clients. Being in those spaces will put you in front of people in your community and in front of the people that need you.

Remind yourself that the conversations you want to have with those people need to come from your heart and from being present. Forget sales scripts and elevator pitches. Having a natural conversation with a prospective client where you can tell them naturally about who you are and what you do are so much more valuable.

Cut out all the bits that make you feel weird and go for the conversation that is real.

When you run your practice from a clinic with other practitioners, you might have your own little conversation going on in your heads about being enough and ready and all that. You will be pleasantly surprised when the other practitioners end up referring people to you once you banish that thought of competition from your head.

Conversations with other practitioners will give you an opportunity to express what your passions and specialities are in your field and ask them what theirs are. This creates a great environment for sharing and referring.

Find where the people you want to serve hang out and go there. I once did a talk about the effects of alcohol on the liver and weight in a pub!

You will still notice the same conversation going on in your head about not being enough and the rest of it. Get it out of your system, if you need to, and then get on with what you wanted to say in the first place.

There are lots and lots of people out there wanting the help you can give. What you need to do is to show up for those people and for yourself instead of just wishing for it.

When we show up in the places where people are at and start having conversations with them, you already start helping them. You can help more people just by starting honest and open conversations. It’s an honour to be there for a client’s health journey.

Focusing on just getting more clients gets in the way of those deep and healing conversations where we can just share our knowledge and be present for the people we are talking to.

Take an actionable step today. Hand out your business cards, speak up when there is an opportunity to talk about what you do. Start having those open conversations with people to be a part of their health journey.

Practice makes perfect.

Tammy x