unrestricted the book by tammy guest

How To Achieve Freedom In Business

Have you ever visited the Blue Mountains of New South Wales? It’s an incredible place – immense and gorgeous and an amazing place to vision and think about things. For me, it got me thinking about what freedom in business means.

When I was there hiking recently, it got me to thinking about the first feeling I wanted to get from my business, which was freedom.  The epitome of that for me at the time was being able to run my business not just from a laptop but from a phone.

The logistics of doing that included things like:

  • have social apps on my phone
  • be able to manage email on my phone
  • have access to clients and project files
  • set up systems to share and communicate with my team quickly and efficiently
  • be able to check in on my finances and bookkeeping

Going Deeper

Once I got all that in place, I wanted to dive a bit deeper and figure out how I could run my business from my phone even whilst on holiday.

Because in this video I’m actually working. And I’m also enjoying being in the beautiful meld created by this pandemic of being able to work from home or wherever.

So even while hiking in the blue mountains, I was still:

  • in constant contact with my team
  • talking to people who have just signed up for NatEx 2021
  • communicating with students going through my courses
  • working with people in my Mastermind
  • planning and setting up future events and retreats

I literally did all of that from my phone. Right there in that amazing place.

So that sense of freedom in business that I’ve always wanted to have? Totally achieved.

Wherever you are, I’m sending you big, healthy, and happy wishes for exactly where you are at in your business and in your life right now. I know it’s a crazy time.

But if you want to create a tiny little sense of freedom in your business, what might help you do it right now?  Is it . . .

. . . an app you can put on your phone. . .

. . .a logistics thing you need to work out. . .

. . .or a mindset trick you can use. . .

Take Action

What can you take action on today to create a dash more freedom in your life? Not the things you can’t do anything about. What are the things you CAN do something about, right now?

That’s why I pressed the Go Live button to share this amazing place with you along with  a little bit of insight.  I could have just hidden away but instead, I pressed the live button to share a little dash of freedom with you.

And maybe the little nudge you need to go take action on that thing that’s been niggling at you.

If this resonates and you think someone else might find it insightful as well, please share it!