Part Three in the “How To Pivot” series:  Creating Automated Passive Income Streams

The Corona Virus outbreak that is occurring around the world right now, and the resulting call for social distancing, is causing unfortunate consequences for any in-person business. That includes our own Natupreneur community.  Not only are we likely to experience more client cancellations, but there is also the risk of getting sick ourselves! So today, I’m talking about creating passive income streams so that you will still have money coming in when you can’t see clients.

NOTE: This portion of the video begins at 1:03:32

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How do you make money if you’re sick?

The vast majority of the answers to that in a practitioner world is, “I don’t.”

I want that to change because the amount of value you have in that brain of yours is exponential. The amount of money that you spent acquiring the knowledge you have in your brain around health and wellbeing is huge! Around $35,000 worth of debt and then more so.

There is so much information in there. It’s just getting it out to the right people that stops us.

How can you get that information out in an automated way so you don’t have to be there?

So that if:

  • you do get sick
  • something does come down with you or your business
  • you can’t get to your consultations (even your online consults)

That you have a way to help and be of service through the knowledge that you have. If you can’t be of service through consultations, the knowledge you have is worth its weight in gold.

The way that you can describe it is even better. The way that you are passionate about and describe:

  • health complications for people
  • how they could help themselves
  • pathology
  • fertility
  • a particular part of the human body

That information is of more value OUT of your head than it is IN your head.

And if you have an automated way for people to get that information, it is easily accessible when you’re not even there.

You may be stuck at home right now or for these next two weeks or whatever is going on with the planet at the moment. So if you have extra time, this is the time to create a webinar or training. And you can actually do it basically for free.

How To Create Passive Income For Free

Get the information out of your head and turn it into a presentation.

It’s really easy to create a presentation for free on your computer.  Many of us are already familiar with:

  • PowerPoint
  • Word
  • Keynote
  • Google Slides or Docs

Create a presentation on the information that’s in your head. Then record it using It’s free and it’s amazing! You can do all sorts of cool stuff with it.

You can record and then have it in a library ready for somebody to press pay and give you, $5, $10, $30, or $100 for a masterclass on whatever you know something about.

They’re able to pay for it even when they’re stuck at home doing whatever and they’re worried about:

  • immunity
  • fertility
  • vagina microbiome
  • whatever it happens to be

And they’re able to find it on your website, pay with a PayPal button or link – super easy.

Setup A PayPal Payment Button

It’s really easy to create – you can do it right now.

That will automatically take them to the presentation you made. They will watch it and they can comment on it and ask you questions about it. Then they can automatically sign up for your online consultation from there.

There are so many ways to automate the knowledge that’s in your head and make it available to others. And it creates an opportunity for you to have that available when you’re not there.

My inspiration for you guys is to please make sure you have something automated to fall back on if you ever get sick. It’s also something that other people can access while you’re doing online consultations or something else.

My DIY eCourses for Praccies covers all of that.

But if you want to do it just for free right now, it’s super easy.

    1. Create a presentation
    2. Sign up for
    3. Record your presentation
    4. and send it out
unrestricted the book by tammy guest

Take Action

If this has been helpful to you and you know somebody that might also benefit from it, please share it to them.

Stay safe, people! Think about how you can pivot and get diverse in the way that you practice, show up, and share your message. Because now more than ever, it’s a really important time to continue to share the message of health and well-being for the planet and its people.

It’s time to take action and create one automated product for sale. Come join us in the Natupreneur Hub and share what you’re going to make and let us know if you have any questions. We’re all there to help you succeed!

Free Resources

Make sure you have all the essentials you need to successfully transition to online consults and a virtual practice covered with my How To Pivot Online Checklist.

Click here to download it now.