Practitioners are often too invested in the outcomes for their clients. However, as practitioners, we need to keep in mind that reaching those outcomes for our clients are not up to us. They are up to them.

Getting too caught up in trying to control those outcomes for our clients can actually stifle us and seriously affect the way we show up in our practice.

Whether it’s helping a client falling pregnant, losing weight, get an allergy under control or showing them how to deal with stress, we just want them to do well and succeed. We know what it is they need to do to get better.

When they don’t get the result we knew they had the potential of getting, we take it on ourselves.

We have a similar pattern in business. We want to set ourselves a goal to achieve in business. This could be more people on our Facebook page or through the door of our clinic, and things like that. 

We can get so focused on those goals that we get tunnel vision and miss out on all the other things that are going on around us and it completely strangles our vision and our progress with our business.

We go back to old fear patterns in that process and we fail to give all that we have to give our clients. We hold back our unique gifts from them. Those gifts that we would instinctively give. We hold them back and our clients miss out as a result.

With many practitioners around, you might question what that unique gift is that I’m talking about. The truth is that we all have a unique and amazing gift that only we can give. Our own special way of doing things.

There are literally millions of people on the planet who are unwell and are searching for answers to their health issues. As a practitioner, you are already qualified to help those people with your unique gifts.

There are lots of opportunities to share those gifts with the world. What holds you back is what’s in your head.

The thoughts of not being good enough or not being ready yet or not having a website yet or not techy enough yet and on and on and on. There is a solution for all of this, and it’s simple. 

You have a gift and people need and want that gift. That’s it. That’s all there is to it.

Fruit trees blossom and bring fruit, that is their gift. They don’t need to be told when and how they need to bare their fruit, it just happens naturally. Sharing your unique gifts does mean that you have to show up. You have to show up and actually connect with people.

Sound scary? You bet! 

You may be so invested in the outcome for your people that you don’t even get to the stage of sharing your gifts with them in the first place. Your mind starts playing that game you know very well. The game where it tells you that you are just not enough as you are as a practitioner and you just need to do all those other things before you can be ready to share your gifts with your people.

In your heart, you know all that is not true. You know you possess the knowledge and you have the desire to serve people and help them get well. The only way to get beyond those thoughts is literally by acknowledging them then pushing them aside and start sharing yourself with people.

All those stories, all that programming is just something that is playing in your head, trying to keep you safe. What in fact it’s doing is keeping you playing small and is preventing you from growing.

At some stage, you can stop stuffing your head with knowledge and actually start applying it. The only reason why you amassed your knowledge as a practitioner is to help people and share your wisdom with them.

If you’re not showing up for people, then you are denying them the very gift they seek you out for.

You don’t need to pick up a new modality or train further in what you already have. You need to start applying the knowledge and wisdom you have already accumulated.

You playing small is actually keeping yourself in a spot that is of no benefit to people.

You are exactly where you need to be right now with the gift you need to give. Be in your gift and share it, even if it makes you feel uncomfortable that things are not perfect.

If everyone listened to the fear-based stuff their mind come up with, nothing would be done in the world. Make your dreams and goals big. Then show up, share your gift, heal the world.

Tammy x

unrestricted the book by tammy guest