Jetsetting from conference to the client, to holidays, and back again can be heaps of fun, but can also take its toll on your body. Here’s how to stay bright in-flight and avoid the side effects of flying.

Side Effects of Flying

There are a number of physical insults in the air that you may not even be aware of.

There is radiation as you are travelling that much closer to the atmosphere, there is internal air conditioning which can be incredibly dehydrating, there is air pressure changes, there is stagnation in your blood vessels from sitting still,  and there is the fatigue of the travel itself.

Naturally, there are a number of really easy things to do to ensure you stay bright in-flight and beyond.

  1. Stay Hydrated – drinking sufficient water before you fly will help keep your energy up and your skin sparkling after you touchdown. If you have to indulge during the flight, make sure you have a drink of water after every alcoholic beverage.
  2. Magnesium – this is one of the essential salts required to ward off cramps, look after blood vessels and build neurotransmitters to keep your mind alert and balanced. You can find it in banana’s and chia seeds or you can get it in supplement form.
  3. Antioxidants – Oxidative stress occurs in cells in the presence of radiation. Flying at 30,000 feet our human bodies are that much closer to the suns radiation this causes an increase in free radical damage. Antioxidants are the perfect way to ‘soak’ up these free radicals. You can find them in berries, green tea, turmeric and green leafy vegetables.
  4. Limit sugars, caffeine, and alcohol – These are all dehydrating and the process of sitting contained in a pressurised metal contain with air conditioning compounds the effect. These also take a lot of energy for your body to metabolise, so if you want to turn up to your next event sparkly and not fatigued, limiting these would be the best option.
  5. Moisturise – rose water mist is a refreshing and hydrating mist I don’t leave home without, the spritz allows my skin to feel plump and bright when I arrive. You can also use vitamin E, coconut oil, argan oil as other natural options.
  6. Travel sickness – ginger, mint. These two incredible herbs help calm the tummy and the mind, Most airlines also have these as teas in-flight and can serve to calm the mind-gut connection and to hydrate. Win, win.