Today we are going to talk about opt-ins and lead magnets. In actual fact, it’s to teach you how to rock somebody else’s world in a free way!

That way, we can attract more of the types of people we are interested in helping. They can have something free – a little part of you to start off with.

They might stick that on the fridge and every time they open their fridge door, your little face is there with your contact details and a whole bunch of other stuff. That enables them to find you whenever they are actually thinking of that health-related or stress-related thing, or whatever. It’s there for them at the point in time that they need it, which associates the situation with you.  Then they can call you.

What is a lead magnet / opt-in?

An opt-in is something that rocks somebody’s world enough that they share their contact details with you in exchange for you giving them that really cool thing.  They give you their email address.

A lead magnet and an opt-in are the same things. It’s just a person opting in for someone’s email list.

The lead magnet is going to be helping them plus it’ll be helping you because you can keep in contact with them on similar kinds of things that they’re actually interested.

Some of the people who join your email list might be interested in the food side of what you do.  Some of them might be interested in the science side. Others might be interested in the stress side of what you do.

The only way you are going to be able to tell how you can genuinely give them information that they want to hear about is by creating opt-ins to allow them to choose and select the things they’re interested in.

The cool thing about creating opt-ins is we think that we’re just going to create one and it sits on our front page so that we can collect people’s emails.

But that’s not the case. What we’re doing is actually giving them a little piece of us, a little chunk so that they can have a taster of what we do. Then, they’re able to see and feel if that’s the same kind of vibe that they’re interested in.

Four Elements of a Good Lead Magnet

An opt-in has four major elements.

  1. It makes your customer’s life easier.
    Any opt-in that I download is usually because I have tried to find something on the internet or I’ve googled it and it doesn’t quite have the same vibe that I want and/or it hasn’t made my life easier.  If I download the PDF of it, it’s because it made my life easier because all the information is in one spot now.
  2. It’s faster
    If you’re a blogger or if you have a blog on your website, you might have little chunks of information everywhere about all sorts of things. An opt-in can bring a few of those things together which makes it faster and easier for the reader to have all the information in one spot.
  3. It’s fun or interactive.  
    Usually, an opt-in or a download makes the content more fun or more interactive.  It’s a different version from reading your blog, listening to a video, or reading questions and answers in a Facebook group.  It is interactive between you and the person who’s downloading that particular opt-in.
  4. It can be shared
    The best lead magnets are things that can be shared.  If your customer is excited about what they’ve just received, they may want to forward it to a friend or family member.  Your lead magnet should be shareable, whether it’s a downloadable item they can send or a link to a quiz.

So if it’s easier and faster and makes my life more fun and I can share it, then that makes it a good opt-in.

What will work best for your audience really depends on who you’re serving.  If you’re serving busy mums, they love to hear things. So you might consider creating something that’s an audio or an mp3 so they can listen to it.

Maybe your particular target market is couples who are trying to conceive or get pregnant and maybe they want something to track how things are going.  So something downloadable that makes tracking fun, makes it easy, makes it faster and they can share it between themselves or with their other friends who might be considering the same type of stuff.

If you’re serving kids, you might want to make that interactive. For instance, one of the opt-ins that I’ve been thinking about is a coloring-in (that’s a sneaky peek of what’s coming up!).

So how can you make it viable and optimal for them?  That it makes life faster – they don’t have to go all over the internet trying to find it.  Makes it easier because they can just download it straight away.  Makes it more fun – as soon as you make something more fun, everyone wants to share it!  And how can we make it shareable?

You want to make it super easy to share by actually having a share button at the end of your opt-in.

How to Deliver Lead Magnets

Remember, you can create opt-ins on your email marketing system, such as MailChimp, Ontraport, or Infusionsoft. You just have to create the lead magnet on the back end.

On your opt-in, create a cover page to tell them what it is – a whole page just for this opt-in and down at the bottom of the page, add your website and contact details.

Then you’ve got an About Me page. So you’ve got a page to introduce yourself and why this thing that they just pressed opt-in for is important to them.

Not only do you give them the content but you give them the context of how it’s been helpful to you or your clients, how why you’ve put that in there and what it means to you.  Give them some ideas about where you’ve come from, how you came up with this idea in the first place, and how you think it’ll rock their world.

Then you give them the thing. So you got a title page, you’ve got an about me page, and then you give them the thing.

Make sure your download includes a header or footer that has your information because if they share it with someone else, it’s got your details on there where they can look it up.

So make sure you don’t just create this thing and not link it back to you.  It’s really important that there is a strategy behind not only rocking their world but being able to get them in as your client in the end.

15 Holiday Lead Magnet Ideas

Are you ready? I’m gonna give you 15 really cool ideas for lead magnets.  These will definitely rock your people’s worlds!

Holiday Shopping List

Number one is a holiday shopping list.

A shopping list can give your customer ideas, like a starter.  For a lot of people, it’s really hard to think about the things that they are actually going to get this time of year.  Depending on if you’re in the northern or southern hemisphere, certain things are available and certain things aren’t.

Of you also theme it in a holiday-theme, then you’ve actually given them something that’s a bit more fun and relevant for them plus they’re able to share it.

You can do this on Canva or PicMonkey.  You can change it up and create it in all sorts of different tools, but those are two of the easiest.

So you’re gonna have your vegetable section and then you’ll have available vegetables for this time of year.  Then you’ll have your fruit section.  You’ll have your protein section or your meat section. Then you might have your pantry items for this time of year. So it’s really specific and then you’ve got spare spaces for them as well.

Really easy, right?  Don’t forget to put your name and your contact details along the bottom.

This is totally shareable.  They’ll download it, print it off and stick it on their fridge.  And it’ll make their life easier.

Holiday Meal Planner

Number two is a holiday meal planner.  Now, you may think you can’t make meal plans.

A meal planner is just a table showing Monday through Sunday with spaces for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks.

That’s it – it’s just an empty table your customers can fill out.

Maybe you’ve shared some recipes on your blog.  You might 12 days of Christmas Recipes on Instagram. They can start filling out their holiday meal planner with those recipes.

Again, give it a nice theme.  This is totally downloadable.

Now, you might think these things aren’t big enough. But if you go to Etsy and search for “downloadable,” there are people there buying these things for ten dollars!

So if you’re going to create something really cool for your peeps that is shareable and linkable and they don’t have to pay ten dollars for it, then it’s going to be really, really cool to generate a little bit more action on your list and a little bit more traction inside your business.

Make sure you make it all nice and pretty. Again – fun, faster, easier, and shareable.

Mini Holiday Recipe Book

Number three is a mini recipe book.  This could include your Aunt So-and-So’s favourite fruitcake recipe (not for me – I don’t like fruitcake!) or your favourite protein balls recipe.

I have this amazing Roast Carrot Dip that I make for every single Christmas event that I go to. I absolutely love it and the year that I shared it in Inspirational Health – holy Dooley!  It went everywhere.  Everybody knew about it and we were all talking about it. It kind of went viral within my little community.

So what’s your signature recipe and how can you contextualise that? You’ve got your content (the recipe) and you’ve got the context of it. If you give it a story and a yummy connection for that piece of content, then it’s going to be so much more shareable.

Make it one-page, make it super easy, make it fast to print so they can stick it in their recipe book or on their fridge.

Don’t forget to put your details on the bottom!

Wellness Tracker

Number four is a wellness tracker.  It can be just one page with a section for “Weekly Goals and Habits,” an area for “My Top Three Priorities” for the week, and one for “My Goals to Support These Priorities” and then a tracking area for Monday through Friday so your customer can check how they are doing on that goal.

Particularly for our lifestyle advice that we give people, it’s an amazing opportunity to make it all holiday nice and pretty and then they’ve got four weeks to keep their yoga on track, to keep their breathing on track, to keep their gratitude journal on track, to take their supplements, or to have that green juice or smoothie in the morning.

They’re able to track it and of course, it’s got your details down at the bottom.

Again, it seems like such a little thing, but it’s totally printable, totally quick and easy, makes their life easier and more fun.

Mood Manager

Another idea is a Mood Manager. You can make this one half-size if you like.  You could include sections such as:

  • Your Focus Today
  • Your Goals
  • A section with emojis – smiley faces and sad faces – and have them tick the box of how they’re feeling
  • Have you moved your body today?
  • What are you taking time for today?
  • Affirmations along the bottom

Particularly for those of you who have mental health as your primary niche.

Again, it’s printout that they can stick on their fridge and tick it off each day.  They can choose the smiley face or sad face whatever it happens to be and they’ve got ownership of what that looks like for them. And of course, your details are on the bottom just in case they need you during this silly holiday season.

Gratitude Journal

Again – it seems super easy and everybody’s got one.

We’re in the health and wellness field, so we think that everyone’s got one because we’ve got one. But you know, if people can’t remember to drink some water, they probably can’t focus on their gratitude either.

Especially at this particular type of time of the year, it’s so important for mental health.   Having a print-outable gratitude journal where we can slip in little pieces of information.

Again – contextualise it. Tell them some statistics about what happens at this time of year, that it’s totally okay to feel not okay. But to know that you are available, there are helplines available, that gratitude can actually change their lives, and and that it helps in a holistic perspective for their well-being.

You can just include “Three things I’m grateful” or just seven little columns for “These are the things I’m grateful for this week” Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. Print-outable with all your details on the bottom.

Seasonal Produce Guide

We’re getting more and more people from the northern hemisphere, from the UK joining us in our Natupreneur realm.  And seasonal produce is a really different thing when you’re in winter over Christmas versus summer where we are predominantly here in Australia and New Zealand.

But a lot of people don’t understand because when we’re in the supermarkets and everything’s available all the time.

What’s actually available from their local markets?  This is a great opportunity for you to be the educator on that information and bring out the Seasonal Produce Guide!

You could have images (again, make it on Canva or PicMonkey), you could have what’s available, how much to consume every day, maybe different colours depending on how you run your practice and who you run it for – you might want to do the rainbow food scenario for kids.

A seasonal produce guide is a really good idea, especially for you Nuts out there.

Remember to make it all pretty and Christmassy and put your details on the bottom.

Bucket List

At this time of year, everybody is making their goals and dreams and aspirations for next year.  We know as practitioners that having something to look forward to, having that positive anticipation, can change your mental health status and therefore how you perceive yourself and take care of yourself.

So if you’ve got a bucket list of things to look forward to, and they’re writing it out and ticking it off during 2019 on a Bucket List sheet that has your details down the bottom, then they’ve got an opportunity to link you with those things that they have they’ve set out for themselves.

Contextualise it with a little story on your About Me section and then give them the thing.

Weight Loss Challenge Tracker

A lot of you guys do metabolic balance or some other weight loss programs.  This time of year is one of those times where people are feeling a certain way about their body.

Tracking how they feel about their body or the biometrics is a really good option for you to have your details down at the bottom.  Again, giving them some context that this time of year things might be a little bit different, that we’re talking about a whole year, not just this month.  So give them a tracker to be able to keep their eye on that so it doesn’t go too crazy.

Habit Tracker

Now we’re talking about the physicalities. Depending on the type of practitioner you are, you might not be into all that mindset stuff. You might be into the practicalities of how many glasses of water did you drink a day so maybe you have images of water glasses and how much they’re filling them up and they have to colour them in. How much movement did they do today? You might have a clock and they fill out minutes they were active.

You might have a tracker of how many steps somebody took.  A lot of people will be getting fitness trackers for Christmas this year.  So you can provide a manual version of that so that they can stick it up on their fridge or in their diary, with your details are on the bottom.

Dirty Dozen

A lot of you guys, especially nutritionists and naturopaths, who have a food freaky edge love to know about how toxins are in our environment and our food.  You already know this information and you can Google it but again – if they’re getting that information from you rather than Dr. Google, then they will associate you with that good information.

So look it up from decent sources, from scientific articles, etc. and you give that information to them in a nice, palatable, fun, easy, faster way and then they can share it with their friends, with your details on the bottom.

It could be a dirty dozen of the things to avoid this time of year for seasonal fruit and vegetables that might be sprayed, or be genetically modified, that might be having a problematic time, depending on what type of practitioner you are, you might choose to do that type of thing.

Colouring-In for Kids

Who’s got kids in their practice or who helps families in their practice? So how do we engage those kids this time of year?

What about some fun stuff like colouring-ins of Santa Claus eating a yummy Buddha Bowl or vegetables?  How can we make a colouring-in that gives them some time to focus on things now?

For instance, you can actually download a whole bunch of apps that you can make mandalas with. You can download them onto your iPad or your phone and you can actually create mandalas.  Pop your details on the bottom, give them some context and be able to give them something that’s going to give them motivation around keeping healthy and well at this time of year.

Book List

At this time of year, everybody’s asking, “What do you want for Christmas?” So many people love books, particularly older women if that’s your target market.

How about writing a list of your top 20 books that can help them with their health, their well-being, their goals, their mindset, how they can how they can move into 2019 getting what they want from a book list made by somebody who actually knows what they’re talking about.

Again, make it interactive with little tick boxes and your details at the bottom, and then they can share it with their friends.

Meditations or Affirmations

This is for the people who have clients who are too busy. A lot of people with stressed-out women as their target market or mothers or business women will know that they often listen to podcasts or other things in their ears whilst they’re doing all of their different jobs and going from here to there.

So if you can create an mp3 or something shareable when it comes to podcasts or meditations or other recorded thing – all you need to do is use a free app called Audacity.

Audacity is super easy to use.  You press record, you can put a background sound on it, you can download it, you can do all sorts of things.

Another app is called Anchor for your phone.  You can record a beautiful affirmation, a beautiful message, a beautiful focus for these people.  Or maybe even just an audio lesson for them around stress or breathing or something. Then you can share it with them.

They can either opt in for it or you can share it with your current list. Super easy, super quick, super shareable.

DIY Gift Instructions

The last one, number 15 in the ideas for opt-ins for you guys is DIY dairy free or gluten free gifts that your clients can make to give away.

A lot of our a lot of our clients are makers and also, we often worry about some of our clients who don’t have a lot of money. Try putting together a how-to on a really quick and easy thing they can make to give away, such as gluten-free, dairy-free or preservative-free baked items.

Whatever your particular target market is.  Some of you are vegan mamas and you could create something really cool for your customers so they can make it as a present for other people.

One year we did mason jars.  Each jar contained the exact amounts of the ingredients all in pretty layers to make a gluten-free, dairy-free, and preservative-free whole food Christmas balls.  Basically, they could just put them in the food processor and then they had these Christmas balls.

We sent out the recipe exactly for that.  Plus, we had one on the counter so that when people came in, they would see what it looked like and ask for the recipe.

Recap of 15 Lead Magnet Ideas

  1. Holiday Shopping List
  2. Holiday Meal Planner
  3. Mini Holiday Recipe Book
  4. Wellness Tracker
  5. Mood Manager
  6. Gratitude Journal
  7. Seasonal Produce Guide
  8. Bucket List
  9. Weight Loss Challenge Tracker
  10. Habit Tracker
  11. Dirty Dozen
  12. Coloring-In for Kids
  13. Book List
  14. Meditations or Affirmations
  15. DIY Gift Instructions


Take Action

Go on to Canva or PicMonkey and create something.  If you need to, just make a Word document or a PowerPoint and download it as a PDF.  Create a downloadable PDF of any of the things that I talked about, or go and download Audacity or Anchor and create your own audio.

Do that and then chuck it up on MailChimp and see.  Even if you only got five extra people on your list, it was worth it. You were able to go through a process of being able to rock somebody’s world with what you’ve got inside you.

You are full of this knowledge and full of this amazing awesomeness that can actually help people at one of the most difficult times of the year. You can either help their mental health, their bodily health, or their emotional well-being.  You can help their physical well-being or even the well-being of their whole family just by giving them this one downloadable thing right.

It might actually do something amazing for these people.  If you just sit back and think, “Oh that’s a nice idea,” but don’t actually do anything, it’s not going to help anybody. If you did nothing in the next week but one of these things and just made it available to your peeps, you have the potential to make a ripple effect.

Now, you don’t know what that ripple effect looks like.  But when it comes to my world, I made the Natupreneur Scav Hunt specifically because I wanted to make something shareable, something fun and something easy and make it faster for you to find all that information all in one spot.

So if you haven’t downloaded the Scav Hunt, it’s on my resources page and it’s in the Natupreneur Club.  You can download it at any point in time. It’s an opt-in – you give me your email address and I give you all of this information that you would take ages to find and it’s in this super fun way because it’s a scavenger hunt.

I have had hundreds and hundreds of people – over 600 people – download that thing!

And we still get messages every week about how it’s actually changing particularly newbie practitioners lives.  Things that they didn’t even think about are in there.

The same thing can happen to your clients. All you have to do is take a little bit of time now and you don’t know what the ripple effect could be. Having that available on your page, particularly at this time of year, is going to be helpful to them in ways that you don’t know about yet. And if you have your details on the bottom, it could be helpful to you in ways you don’t know about yet, as well.

Please Share

Hopefully, this is giving you some inspiration.  Inspiration is fun but taking action is where the traction comes from, so if any of this resonated with you or you think it might resonate with one of your practitioner friends, please share it or take action on it!

I’d love to hear how you go. Come over into the Natupreneur Hub and celebrate any day if you do put one of these opt-ins up.

Share the goodness in this holiday season! Share your knowledge and share your wisdom and see what can happen. You never know!

unrestricted the book by tammy guest