What is in an intense life and where in your business might you be letting yourself down instead of living a 10 out of 10 life?

This is a concept I learned from my mentor, Kyle Cease. He’s an amazing and very funny man with a really cool way of explaining things.  I wanted to make sure that we had this conversation too.

I put out a question in the Natupreneur Hub last week about if you rated your website out of 10 on how you feel about it, what rating does it get right now?

51 people responded to that and of those, the average score was only out 4/10.  These are websites that represent who we are, how we serve, who we want to serve… and we gave ourselves only 4/10!

The next step is to consider what a 10 out of 10 would look like for you.

Imagine having a 10/10 for:

  • your website
  • your business
  • and your life!

What is the life you really want to live? Would it be epic? Flowing? Freedom-filled? Full of security? Lots of adventure, safety, or consistency? Let’s explore this…

What exactly does a 10/10 business and life look like for you?

If you just take a moment to consider it and then consider that there are lots of little pieces that build up to that 10 out of 10.

Consider all of the components that make up your life and think of your website as a virtual version of yourself.  And you’re only giving it a 4/10.

If it’s a 4/10, guess what?  The result you’re going to get from it is a 4/10.

It’s not going to get any higher than that. You can’t get a 10/10 result on average from a 4/10 website (or life, or whatever you’re looking at).

This is the fascinating thing about checking in with different places and spaces in your business.  It gives you an idea about why the results you’re getting may not be 10 out of 10 you’re looking for.

So if you’re worried about:

  • getting more clients
  • the type of clients that you’re getting
  • flow and consistency vs feast or famine

Rate all the elements of your business

So I’ve got some questions for you. I seriously invite you to grab a pen and a piece of paper right now because there’s something that happens with you in your pathways when you actually write these things down.

Are you ready?

On a scale of 1 to 10, how do you feel about:

1. The services, packages, or products that you offer?

If you find yourself thinking “Ah, but…” – stop.  If you’re trying to justify some part of a service or product – it’s not a 10.

As soon as you notice that you’re justifying it, know that it’s not a 10.

Be truthful about it. On a scale of 1 to 10, how do you really feel about your services or products?

Go into each different service or each different product.  Maybe something that’s sitting on your website or that you’ve thought about creating might be a 10 out of 10 for you. But you haven’t bothered to complete it because you’ve been worried about all of these 4 out of 10 things that you want lots of people to come into.

Meanwhile, there’s a 10 out of 10 thing just sitting at the back, waiting for your attention. So think about that.

2. The people you work with?

How well do the people you work with perform on a scale of 10 out of 10?

Be honest.  I know a lot of you watching this are working in health food shops or multi-modality practices or with teams, and instantly as I’ve asked this question, you’re thinking of someone who’s not a 10 out of 10.  Consider how that contributes to your business.

If you’re vibrating and having communications on the level down here with that person, but you want a 10 out of 10 when you’re talking to your clients, there’s a discrepancy there.

3. The clients you work with?

I’m talking about the clients you work with, in close proximity, one-on-one. How do they rate on a scale of 1 to 10?

Do you think, “Oh my goodness, I’m so glad! It’s so cool they are coming back,” as soon as you see them in your schedule?

I had clients like that too, and in the end, about eight out of ten clients were like that for me. I was so excited to work with them. And the ones that I still work with once a month are my 10 out of 10s. I just don’t work with people who are less than that for me, anymore.

So rate the type of clients that you are working with now out of 10.

You’ll notice that when you think about the people you work with, you’ll feel guilty when you have to say no to them, When considering those people who are not 10 out of 10, you’ll go into ‘fix-it mode’ and start to justify them (“oh, but they’re my friend!”). If that little niggly thing comes up of feeling guilty or having to justify them, they’re not a 10/10.

You can play in that zone for as long as you like, but it’s going to limit you having a 10/10 business.

There is a big difference when you work with 100% of clients and people on your team being 100% in alignment with you. A huge amount of traction, action, and flow can come from being with people, places, and spaces that are 10 out of 10 for you.

An important note:  a 10/10 for you isn’t always easy and flow.  A 10 out of 10 can also be a challenge that you choose so that you can grow. It’s not all smelling the roses type of stuff. A 10 out of 10 can also be knowing that you’ve got to put a new program out.

4. The components of your business?

Maybe it’s:

  • emails
  • getting back to people
  • or other monotonous tasks

We’ve just had a whole bunch of people in the Hub this week just go, “No – I’m not doing this anymore. No, I’m not gonna do the follow-up emails. I’m gonna automate that. I’m gonna delegate that.” because they’re not 10 out of 10s.

What happens when you say no?

All of a sudden, all of these other things start to come through, start to come forward for you. It’s an amazing experience.

But at that moment that you realise that it’s not your thing, then justifications and guilt will happen. Those are signs that these things are not a 10/10 for you.

5. How you are connecting with you?

For a lot of us, as solo practitioners, we are our business. So on a scale of 1 to 10, where are you connecting with you?

At the beginning of my practice, I didn’t have time to connect with me. When I was at work, I was thinking about home. When I was at home I, I was thinking about work. Meditation slipped and taking care of myself slipped. I didn’t have a third space and I could hardly get a cup of tea in the mornings.

So what about your connection to you, how would you rate?

Again, notice where you’re justifying.

6. Your relationship to your body?

We’re teaching everybody else about our bodies. Often, we’ll get so up in our heads that we kind of cut ourselves off from the rest of our body. What’s your relationship to your body on a scale of 1 to 10?

If your body was your best friend, how would you be treating them?

7. The model of your business (aka the way you do business)?

Is your current model of seeing clients one-on-one or creating online offerings working for you, full-stop?

If it isn’t, where’s the bit in the back of your mind that’s thinking you’d love to:

  • do that workshop?
  • just run retreats?
  • run something online?
  • be location independent?
  • do that volunteer work over in Fiji or Vanuatu?

What’s coming through when you start to notice your current situation is not a 10 out of 10? What is in the background niggling at you that you’re ignoring all the time?

It’s already there – that’s your 10/10.

Even though it might be a challenge, or different to what you’re expecting, those things that you’re beautifully ignoring could be your 10 out of 10 in your life or your business.

The interesting thing about it is wherever you rated those areas if you’ve written down a 4 out of 10 or a 5 out of 10 – anything less than a 9 out of 10 – then that’s the level of life or business results that you’re probably getting.

It’s going to cap itself until you’ve got all of the different little components of your business at 9 and moving to 10 out of 10.

I know, there’s a beautiful comfort in everything just being the same and that’s cool.

But if you want:

  • a 10 out of 10 life
  • flow and ease
  • growth in your numbers
  • holidays with your family
  • contributing to your family bills and mortgage
  • the profit, the money on top

Then you need to start to notice where there isn’t a 10 out of 10 because it’s holding you back from achieving your version of success.

Success is really different for everybody.

It’s really, really important to take time to notice where you’re justifying and feeling guilty about change. Because those are the places that are less than 10 and there’s another possibility on the other side that IS a 10 out of 10.

It’s so easy to get stuck wondering if you get rid of someone, what if you never find someone else? If you get rid of these particular clients, what if you don’t have any clients at all?

The question is – what if you have all of the clients that you’ve ever wanted? What if all your perfect ideal clients walk in the door and you don’t have space for them?

Reframe your imagination

Instead of focusing on the negative, focus on the positive. Imagine all the possibilities and opportunities on the other side that are 10 out of 10 because you were brave enough to say no to the 4 out of 10.

If you’re used to doing business as a one-on-one model and that isn’t working for you, it’s giving you fatigue or burnout, and you’re noticing that there is something inside you that’s saying you need to change it up, you may be scared because it’s different, which might be worse.

But what if it’s better? Think about what could be rather than what can’t be.

There are possibilities for you on the other side.

Review your results

After you’ve written down how you feel about all of the questions above on a scale of 1 to 10, you might notice some things that are less than five.  Less than five is completely holding you back like an anchor.

Five to Nine is still holding you back and capping your ability to bring through something extraordinary.  Anything that’s Nine to Ten, keep it. It’s gonna get you rolling and you’re gonna keep going forward.

But if you’re in those lower numbers, drop the things that aren’t working for you.

What can you do to make them better?

What can you change to change something to a 10 out of 10?

  • Do you need to drop it or automate it?
  • Can you delegate it?
  • Is there something you can bring forward that you’ve been thinking about?

There are so many things available to you, just waiting for you to drop all the 4s you’re carrying around.  Plus, it’s very likely that those things that are four out of ten for you – people, experiences, whatever – are only getting four out of ten back from you, as well.

If you drop even half of those fours, change them, or lovingly let them go, think of all the space that’s created.  Think about all the space those fours are taking up now. No wonder you’re tired and burnt out and can’t think about anything else.

As we know from quantum physics or physics in general, nothing survives in a vacuum.  It sucks in something yummy to fill up that space.  But you can’t create 10 out of 10 when you’ve got all those fours out of ten in the way.

So drop half of those things, delegate them, or automate them. Then you’ve got all of this yumminess able to come through.

Five actionable things

I want you to write down five things that just came to mind that could make any part of your life or your business a 10 out of 10.  Write down five actionable things.

I asked the question last week, “How would you rate your website on a scale of 1 to 10.”

Out of 51 comments, the average response was 4 out of 10.  If you change your website to be a 10 out of 10, what action would you take?

There was only 1 out of the 51 comments that said, “Oh! Now I know what to do.”  There’s an action that you can take when you notice something.

Isn’t it cool when you notice something that isn’t getting you the result that you want in your business? You can change it.

What action can you take to get yourself closer to 10?

You may not be able to make the huge leap to ten straight away. Maybe you don’t have time or money. But I’ll there is one action you can take in the next five days that would move your website closer to a 10.

Look at all your ratings and for each, identify one action that you can take to improve it in the next five days. Consider one action to improve:

  • self-care
  • your products or services
  • making it easier for people to buy from you or to explain it to people
  • putting your prices up
  • something hiding in the background that you’d like to try

If you picked five different things to do in the next five days, you are that much closer to 10 out of 10.  And if you are that much closer to 10 out of 10 you are that much closer to something extraordinary and different that you haven’t experienced before coming through.

When people do this in the Club and other places that I teach and mentor, it’s magic that comes through. I wish I could describe it in any other way but it’s just magic.

Even in the Hub this week, Cass said no to something that was a 4/10 for her and decided she just wasn’t going to do it anymore.  Then she had four new clients book in. Four brand-new, ideal clients!

You may think it’s not associated but…

When you are playing a bigger game, a bigger game comes to play with you.

It’s really magical if you can take the time to scope out just these questions that I asked today and see where you are playing under ten (or even under five!) and what you could do to either delegate, eliminate, or change it up.

Hopefully, this has been beneficial to you. If it has, please share it with somebody that you know.

We need a shift in our profession, a shift in the way we think, the way we provide services for our clients,  and the way we do business.  I want you to be absolutely the best that you can be, and feel amazing without burnout and all the other stuff that goes with it.

I found this tool to be really cool, so I want as many practitioners as possible to be able to explore it and see how they could live their 10/10 lives. Hopefully, you took time to write down five things that you want to take action on. Now you have to take the action and watch what happens!

Remember – nothing changes if you don’t do something different. It’s really important to take action. 

Come and report your results in the Natupreneur Hub. We’d love to celebrate with you!