In the first year or so in my naturopath practice, I was dumping anything money-related into a shoebox that was sitting in my filing cabinet. I just wanted to help people and not worry about the practicalities of money. Or at least until tax time.

This is a common practice.

By tax time I had so much money and tax-related paperwork to deal with, it was overwhelming. I was scared that I owed tax and had no idea what income I was making. I ignored the money coming in as much the money going out.

When you recognise the fear you have around money, you will start talking about it. Once you start talking about it, you will start moving through it.

Practicalities Of Making & Tracking Money As A Practitioner

Get your FREE Money Management Tracker here.

How do you know what is happening with your business, if you’re not tracking your money?

If you are tracking the money coming into your business, you will pay attention to the money going out as well.

Clients discuss their symptoms with you in your practice and your consultations. You want to ascertain how they are when they first visit you. You keep asking those types of questions while you are treating them. Keeping a track of the patient’s health each time your patient visits allows you to see the progress they are making.

The same thing applies to money management in your business.

Once you give energy to money and start tracking the money in your business, your negative beliefs or negative mindset about money will turn around.

You will see, through money tracking, what your cash flow trends are. Acknowledging even the smallest amounts coming in keeps that awareness going.

Keep track of all money coming in daily. That includes things like gift certificates, anything you sell through your online store, even money you find on the street.

When you make this positive action consistent, abundance will follow.

Making money as a naturopath is all about your relationship with money

It’s a sentient relationship. If you have negative thoughts and fears about money, then it will also affect the abundance you are trying to create for your with your business.

Try tracking your money for a month and see what changes you notice in your mindset and feelings about it.

Manifesting and creating money for a specific purpose will be so much easier when you are aware of all the money that is coming to you. You can focus on abundance for a specific purpose or a specific amount of money. It’s up to you.

The more specific you are, the stronger that manifesting and creating power will become.

Real change will only happen when you take action on this. When you take money tracking from an idea and a pretty spreadsheet to a tool you use consistently, it will create a monumental change and increase in awareness that greatly benefits your business.

I can’t predict the exact outcomes for you, because every single time I have done this for myself I got something else out of it. I can tell you though that once you start tracking your money, positive changes start happening.

With a plan, you have a much higher chance of success

You know this because you would do this with your clients all the time. Why not do the same for your business?

When you have a plan and you’re tracking your progress, you feel more confident about your ability to create the abundance you want for yourself and succeeding.

Being in the present moment and tracking the flow of money coming in also allows you to see what makes money in your business and what doesn’t, as well as where there is potential to make more money in unexplored areas.

Once you know exactly how you make money in your business, and how it flows through your business, you can plan for the future.

You can start with an end of year financial result in mind, then make a plan on how you will achieve this financial goal in your business.

When you are starting from zero, it’s not easy to see how you are going to achieve the money result you set yourself. But that should not put you off at all.

Instead, look at where you can add value to your business by utilising the speciality skills you brought with you from before you had a practice.

My background is in pathology, so I created a course for Natupreneurs explaining how to read and interpret pathology results and I have sold hundreds of that course. You might also have a special skill you can build into your practice that can make you money.

Have a think about how you can incorporate your existing skills and knowledge into your practice, to increase your earning potential and increase the flow of money through your business.

There are only so many hours in the day where you can see clients and do consultations. You can leverage your time by having products and services that add value in different ways.

Money Planning

Get your FREE Money Planner here.

Once you start putting some numbers on the page about the money goals you want to achieve by the end of the financial year, you will be able to start formulating a plan.

As scary and intimidating as that sounds, once you see your numbers, you can start thinking about ways to do bigger and better.

You can start by putting your projection in for the next 12 months or until the end of this financial year.

If you feel like hyperventilating, that’s OK. I have been there too.

Look at it as a way to declare to the Universe what you want. After all, how is the Big U going to give you what you really want if you’re not clear on it yourself?

You don’t go to a restaurant and just ask for food. You give them your specific order of what you want to have. Same goes for money goals.

When you have a specific focus, your brain will naturally seek out patterns that match that focus.

In this case, it will seek to match your clearly defined money goals with numbers in your bank account or on your balance sheets.

This is why it’s a good idea to have a specific amount you want to achieve in mind.

When you have a clear view of what your outgoings are, you will also be able to make changes in where you spend your money and how much money you spend.

When you are using my free money planner, start with the end goal, then work backwards.

  • What do you want to make by the end of the financial year?
  • How much do you need to make by half year and quarter year to make that happen?
  • What part do your outgoings play in that?
  • Do your goals match up with what you actually achieved?
  • If there is a deficit, do you know where it is?
  • How can you plug that hole?
  • How can you save money to reduce your outgoings?

Take Action

Instead of getting into a panic about not making enough money, use the spreadsheet as a planning tool. Use it in combination with the tracking sheet and your relationship with money will change dramatically.

Using money tracking and regular business planning will help you achieve your hopes and dreams as a practitioner.

Don’t think you are alone in the freak-out in fear. On the other side of that breakdown is a breakthrough and the things you want.

Start taking action today by downloading my FREE Money Management Planner.