unrestricted the book by tammy guest

One of the main reasons people start a business is to have freedom. If that’s you, start building your freedom-focused business lifestyle with these 4 mindset shifts.

What Does Business Freedom Mean?

Before we get into the mindset shifts, let’s talk about what “business freedom” even means. Because it’s likely different for everyone.

For you, it might mean …

  • time freedom (to travel, spend time with your children, or just work less)
  • financial freedom
  • location freedom

No matter what type of business you have, if freedom is your primary goal you must stay focused on that when it comes to how you operate and grow your business.

Truthfully, it is hard to know what the right steps are to achieve the goal of a freedom-based business. But one statement is true for ALL business owners and entrepreneurs:

If you want to build a freedom-based business, you need the right mindset.

Start With These 4 Mindset Shifts

… To set you up in the right headspace to build a freedom-based business.

Mindset Shift #1: Making money doesn’t have to be hard

Yes, we’ve spoken about this before but it’s a huge issue with entrepreneurs and business owners. Making money in your business IS required. But you can focus on creating offers that don’t require a lot from you to sell.

This is one of the hardest mindset shifts for many people to make. Whether it’s because of how you were raised, some experience you had in the past, or just what you saw your parents go through as a kid – this mindset tends to be well ingrained.

Make a point to work on it until the idea of money coming to you easily no longer feels uncomfortable.

Mindset Shift #2: Market research is your friend.

Don’t create offers in a void. You don’t want to waste your time building something nobody wants.

So, ask your existing clients and your audience:

  • What kinds of offers or products are they looking for? Get specific.
  • Would one of your existing offers be appealing as a lower-priced, recorded offer instead of one-on-one?

For example, you could create:

  • a digital product, automate everything involved with the selling and delivering of it and run ads.
  • an evergreen course, similarly automated.

These types of offers require some work in the beginning, but then you can reap the rewards from then on.

Read more about creating automated passive income streams in this How to Pivot blog.

Mindset Shift #3: Boundaries are necessary and important.

One of the major perks of starting your own business is that you now have the power to control when you do and don’t work (within reason).

If you want to start having a mindful morning routine which means you can’t start client work until 9am, enforce those boundaries. Put it in your contract and make sure your clients and potential clients know this is a boundary you have in place. And then enforce it.

When someone disrespects your boundary (such as with a calendar invite to a meeting at 5pm, even though you only work until 5) – and someone inevitably will – you need to stand firm. Request the meeting be moved to a time within your normal working hours.

Because if you accept this request – what are you dropping to make it happen? Maybe you’ll miss dinner with your family or have less time to yourself this evening. Is that really worth it to you?

Being overly flexible might feel important early in your business.  But over time, you’ll discover how important it is to have those boundaries firmly in place. Otherwise, you may find your business takes over your whole life with no time for your family, your friends – or yourself.

Of course, there may be times when you need to work late or accommodate an unusual request from a client. If that happens, make sure you take time after the task to reiterate and enforce the boundary so it doesn’t become a regular thing.

Mindset Shift #3: Get clear on what a freedom-based business is for you.

A “freedom-based business” means something different to everyone.

Maybe for you, it’s the freedom to choose your daily working hours. But for someone else, it might mean the freedom to work from anywhere in the world.

Whatever your definition of freedom is – it’s important to get really clear on it.

Because this will help you make the tough decisions in your business.

What if you are faced with a high ticket client opportunity, but their requests mean sacrificing some of the freedom you started your business to create? Is it really worth it?

Getting clear on what your freedom-based business means for you allows you to scale and grow your business in a way that aligns with your goals and lifestyle.

And of course, to do that – you need a plan.

Mindset Shift #4: Plan ahead to actually make it happen.

You may have heard of the digital nomad movement. It’s all about business owners who create online-based businesses so they can travel the world and continue to work.

That might feel like an impossible dream, but it is absolutely possible if you create a business that doesn’t require in-person interaction (we’ve learned a lot about that recently, thanks to the pandemic).

But, it doesn’t mean you can just pack up and leave to sit on a tropical beach somewhere (if only, right?).

For instance, let’s say freedom to work from anywhere is one of your goals. What does that actually look like in practice?

Travelling internationally (once it’s allowed again) as an online business owner requires some planning. You’ll need to deal with timezone changes and make sure your clients know all the details ahead of time – your new schedule, how they can contact you, how you will serve them while abroad, and so on.

Then there’s the planning to make sure you can work when you get where you are going. You’ll need good wifi, so that might mean spending the extra money to get a hotel or Airbnb with good wifi. Or even staying in a location with a co-working space.

Can you manage everything you currently do remotely? If not, you may need to get a team in place to keep the wheels of your business running during your absence. That might mean hiring a Virtual Assistant or an Online Business Manager.

All of these things – and more – are what you need to think about well before you leave for your trip.

This is just one example of business freedom that requires some planning. And the reality is – pretty much whatever kind of business freedom you’re looking for will require systems and processes to be set up ahead of time.

So, get your mind clear now on exactly what you want your business to look like and what needs to happen to make that actually work. Create a plan to set all of those things in motion. And then work that plan.

That’s how you make your dream business a reality – believe it can happen and then do it, step by step.

What does a freedom-focused business mean to you?

What kind of freedom do you dream of in your business?

We have the technology and the ability to build just about anything we can imagine these days. So I want you to dream big and KNOW that you can actually make it happen.

But first, you need to do the work – get inside your own head, decide what’s really important and what you want your future to look like.

And it all starts with taking control of your mindset – and kicking those limiting beliefs to the curb.

Mindset Magic

I know getting up close and personal with your own hangups and mental blocks can be really uncomfortable. But I promise it’s worth the effort in the end. Getting past the stories in your head that hold you back is one of the most valuable activities you can invest time in for your business.

To get some structured support while working on your mindset so you can build your own freedom-focused business, consider joining me inside Mindset Magic.

This in-depth collection of training, presentations, resources, articles, and meditations is designed to help you develop and maintain your mindset. So you can stay focused and on-track while you plan and build a business you dream of.

Get all the details and enrol right here