We all freak out about the words “buy” and “sell.” But sometimes, you need to sell somebody on an idea, or you need a level of buy-in from someone to agree to something you want to do. But how can you make that happen? Watch the video or read on below to hear my sales secrets to get people buying into anything you want them to.


Sales Secret #1: Give Them the Why

Whether you are selling something or trying to bring someone round to your point of view, just telling them what you want them to do probably isn’t going to work.

Saying “buy my thing” isn’t really a compelling reason for your customers to plunk down some money.  And trying to convince someone to see things from your viewpoint doesn’t work unless you explain why it’s important.

So the first thing you must remember is to tell them why.

  • Why should they buy your thing?
  • Why should they see your point of view?

Give them all the reasons why it makes sense, why it’s in their best interest, how it helps you and (hopefully) them. Give them a good reason to make the purchase or change their opinion.

Sales Secret #2: Tell Them a Story

Sometimes it seems like everything is out of your control.  You can’t make people follow you online, buy your programs, or agree with you.

What you can control is how you approach them.

Most humans respond to stories. If your customer or the person you’re trying to convince can relate to your situation, they are more likely to empathise and come over to your way of thinking.

  • Share the story of how you got where you are, why you want the thing you want.
  • Engage them on a personal level.
  • Speak to them as a friend rather than making an impersonal pitch.

Tell them the details of your story because, most likely, they will relate to some part of that story, which will make them more likely to agree or change the way they respond.

When you ask your clients to follow your instructions, give them information about the things you’re asking them to take.  Don’t just give it to them and tell them they need to take it.  They need to have a level of buy-in.

The same is true when it comes to your workshops.  Why should they come? What are they going to get out of it?

There are levels of information and story that your customers can engage with from an emotional perspective that is going to get you a lot more buy-in.

unrestricted the book by tammy guest

Sales Secret #3: Make It Human

I hear a lot of questions about how to advertise programs and services.

If you just throw your product up and say “here’s my thing,” there’s no real reason for anyone to care. You haven’t given them anything to go on.

Make it human by showing how your thing is going to help them. How it relates to the things they’ve already been doing, or how it relates to what they want to be doing in the future.

Explain exactly how your process or program or whatever has helped you and your other clients. Show your potential customers how important it is to you to be helping others, to share your knowledge, to empower them to make positive changes in their lives.

Share your own personal experiences and how that made you go down the path you are on.

Make it human so they can feel why it’s important.

Sales Secret #4: Be Real

Share from your heart space what is truly going on.  It’s a really different thing to say,

“I’m doing this workshop because I think I should because I want lots of money,”

Than it is to say,

“I have seen a need in our community for this. I have a couple of clients like this or I’ve treated my mum or my auntie for this.  I’ve done whatever it happens to be.”

There needs to be a reason other than you need bums on seats.

Let’s say you’re trying to fill a space in your clinic. Which method do you think will get you a better tenant?

  • Telling people that you have an empty space that needs to be filled?
  • Or sharing from your heart about the type of practitioner you’d like to have there, the kind of relationship you’d want to have with that practitioner?

Use your heart space instead of your headspace and you will get a better result.

If you are offering nutrition tips for weight loss, don’t just spout a bunch of statistics about nutrition.  It’s good information, but people can find that anywhere.  Instead, talk about your own weight loss journey, or clients you’ve helped lose weight with those nutrition tips.

Make it personal so people can imagine themselves in the situation.  Do a deeper dive into:

  • How it will feel for them.
  • What it really looks like in five days time or five weeks time or five months time.
  • How they will feel – lighter, more active, more present with their kids, more agile, more energetic – and the level of self-confidence they will gain.

Step into their minds and their spaces and their story and connect from the heart space. Connect from a story space. Talk about plateaus and how you got past yours (or how you helped other clients get past them).  Talk about the frustration and use language that shows the heart and the feeling rather than the physiological details.

Sales Secret #5: Stop the Practitioner Speak

This is the thing about us being practitioners – we go into “practitioner speak” and say things like, “Yes, so I cover water, liver, estrogen, etc.”

Instead, come from a heart space and talk about what it’s like to:

  • be frustrated with having headaches all the time
  • or waking up feeling slightly hungover
  • not be in control of your emotions before your period every month
  • be in a state of constant dehydration

We all know that about 80% of our clients are persistently dehydrated but to be able to sell them on the idea or get them to buy into the idea of drinking water, we have to really engage them with the story of what their body is going through and the impact it’s making on themselves and the people around them.

So, as an example from a dehydration perspective …

  • How is it that you’re making good decisions for yourself and other people?
  • Are you getting frustrated really quickly and easily? Do you lose patience easily?
  • Is it hard to really focus to remember people’s names throughout the day?
  • Are you constantly licking your lips or have dry lips?

Take Action

My takeaway for you and the action I would love to see you take is, if you are currently trying to sell people into an idea or get them to buy into an idea, whether it be your clients one-on-one, people signing up for your workshops, or getting other practitioners on board inside your clinics – I’d love to invite you to see what truthful story you can share.

If this has been this has been beneficial to you or you think it might be for somebody else, please share it.  Take action this week on sharing a story from your heart to see what kind of response you could get from the people that you are trying to help!

For more, check out these resources.