unrestricted the book by tammy guest

Goals… if you don’t have them, you’re up to 30 times more likely to miss out on success.

I’ve been revisiting how taking the time to actually write down your goals in a really inspiring way changes and shifts the way that you can show up for the life you want to create.

In this video, I explain why and how you can navigate this in a style that helps you set goals that work.


Science backs up goal-setting

There was a Harvard business study that I always tell people about. They determined that out of any group, when talking about goals:

  • Only 14% of people actually set goals for themselves
  • That 14 % is 10 times more likely to achieve a level of success than people who do not set goals
  • Out of that 14%, only 3% take the time to write them down
  • That 3% is 3 times more likely to be successful than those who didn’t write them down

That’s means if you write down your goals, you are like 30 times more likely to achieve a level of success than those who didn’t set goals! 

Let’s take the Natupreneur Hub as an example.  As of the time of this filming, we have about 3,200 members. That means that about:

  • 2,356 of you have not actually stopped to really think about and set goals for your life
  • 448 of you have thought about your goals
  • But only 96 of you have written down the goals and are considering them regularly

Set goals that work

This is one of the big things we focus on in the Natupreneur Journey.  We write a thing called a ‘flight plan’ (because it’s one of the things that I do when flying a helicopter).

The number one question is:  Have you considered your goals? 

I mean actual goals.   Not just something like “a better life,” “to be happier,” or “making more money.”  Those aren’t goals, they’re just wishes.  A goal is something really specific around a particular part of your life.

Example goals for Natupreneurs

If you haven’t already (and remember, statistics show that about 2,356 of you have not actually created an actual definitive goal!), here are some ideas to consider:

  1. How many people do you want to help over the next 12 months? Pick an actual number.
  2. How much money do you want to make? Yep, we’re going to get real about money.
  3. What travels, trips, or experiences do you want to have in the next 12 months?
  4. How many (and of what quality) friends do you want to surround yourself with?  It’s really important that you surround yourself with people who will lift you up and support you (rather than those who will keep you where you are).
  5. Are there mentors or teachers that you want to attract into your life?
  6. Identify courses you’d like to work on and specify a deadline to complete them.
  7. What projects do you want to put out into the world?  Do you want to write a book, do workshops or what other projects do you get excited about? How many people do you want to reach with those projects?
  8. What about your personal health and vitality? What goals can you set for that?

Tip for Today:  Take time to set actual goals for yourself and your business right now.

It’s really important for you to take some time – right now – to set some goals.

Because statistics tell us that the vast majority of you haven’t put a specific goal in place.  And those that have thought about a specific goal haven’t written it down.

You’re going to be 3 times less successful than those who actually write it down. And it looks like only 96 of you are likely to have done that.

So that’s my tip for today.

Leverage the power of community support

If you want to come and join us in the Natupreneur Journey, then this is your opportunity. Go to TammyGuest.com/natupreneur-journey

We have a whole module on what it looks like to create a life you’ll love.  You’re in charge of that and can create that life.  You can create and work toward these goals in a way that you’ve never done before.

Do you want to be in that 3%?  Do you want to be part of the group that’s going to achieve the things they want in their life?

Or are you in the group who thinks this is a nice idea but then presses “swipe,” doesn’t get the things done, and is in the same position in 12 months time as you are right now?

Please share and take action

If you got anything out of this, please take the action that you need to take from it. Please share this with somebody you know who might need that extra jolt and reminder to get both action and traction going!

unrestricted the book by tammy guest