As business people and as natupreneurs we’re always looking for different ways to clear our blocks, to really notice what’s going on, and do something to become unstuck.

Often, we find ourselves stuck but don’t know how to actually move through that, energetically. I’ve personally found amazing results with EFT and tapping as one of the quickest and easiest ways to do it.

One of our contributors to the Natupreneur Hub is Catharine Ross, who is an exceptional EFT practitioner helping business people just like us clear our blocks. I had a conversation about EFT with her recently and today I’m excited to share some of what we talked about with you.

In the past seven years or so, the awareness of EFT has increased and now mainstream media is talking about it. It’s wonderful to see how it’s helping so many people in so many areas.  Tapping is where you tap different parts of your skin as you talk through issues that are concerning you.  It looks really funny and it sounds unbelievable but it does help you work through issues.

Thankfully, science is actually proving that it works. There are many clinical trials, meta-analysis, systematic reviews, peer-reviewed articles, and journals about it.

Tapping works on the neural pathways in the brain and also helps to shut down the fight-or-flight response in the amygdala. The emitter is a little part of our limbic system in the brain that’s triggered into fight-or-flight whenever we perceive there’s a threat, whether we are aware of it or not. Anytime we’re stressed out, we’re gonna have that little part of our brain light up and send a message to the rest of our body that it’s in danger.

When we tap, we’re actually tapping on these meridian points – the channels of energy in the body – and there’s a series of nine points that we use in general EFT.  They’re on the face and upper body and when we tap and talk about our problems, instead of just talking about our problems and triggering that stress response, the tapping actually puts kinetic energy into the body and helps to rewire the brain so you think about the problem differently.

For instance, they hooked a person with a spider phobia up to a brain scanner and exposed them to a spider. What they noticed is that when the subject talked about their phobia and tapped those points at the same time, his stress response was turned off.  That’s how it actually helps you take the stress out of a situation and calm you down, but it also helps to reprogram the brain’s longer-term memory to recognise that what your body has been perceiving as a threat – whether it’s a past memory, or a fear of public speaking, or whatever – it’s no longer a threat so we can move forward.

There are a lot of different ways to explain it, but that’s the basic way that EFT works.

EFT works for all different types of things and it’s been clinically proven for many issues including anxiety and PTSD. There is mounting evidence to show that it works in all of these different ways and it’s not just the meridians – it’s working on such so many different levels.

Whenever I start to feel a little niggle of anxiety about public speaking, I tap to scripts that I have. This has changed the way that I think about things and now I’m really in alignment and excited for public speaking, instead of feeling fear and anxiety. It’s really shifted the way that I think about these things. When I first started tapping, I realised I was trying to consciously take over. As soon as I let go of that and just tapped along, the magic started happening.

It’s the subconscious that holds all of these beliefs and memories. It’s a lot of massive filing cabinets. We don’t even have to believe in what we’re saying because it’s baked into the unconscious mind. That’s the benefit.

It’s not a placebo effect – the more you believe in it doesn’t mean it works better. You just have to give it a go.

This tapping technique works with children, too.

This is such a global healing tool – you don’t need a machine to do it or anything. Not even having to believe in what you’re saying is a real clincher for me and all of us over-thinkers.  It’s just realigning and reprogramming your neural pathways.

I know a lot of our tribe have fears about overwhelm in their business, about getting clients, and about not having enough money. Tapping is a great way to work through that feeling of overwhelm and move into an abundance mindset.

Abundance is everywhere when we start looking for it, but we have these ingrained grooves in our brain that are constantly looking for lack and competition that it becomes really difficult to see where abundance actually is.

Also being in an alternative healing space can trigger all these other beliefs that come up about whether we’re worthy of attracting or achieving, what we’re able to earn, and all these types of credibility issues.  They can all just build up inside.

When you are tapping and talking yourself through your fears and blocks, you’re directly talking to that stress response that is only trying to keep you safe. Your subconscious exists to keep you safe and it’s very black and white. It has no sense of humor, it doesn’t rationalize, it can’t see friendship between past and present.

If you have, say, a workshop that you need to run and you’re getting really stressed out about it and overwhelmed, your subconscious actually thinks it’s doing a good job by keeping you where you are. As you tap and talk through it, saying things like “success is safe, this particular issue is safe,” you’re allowing your body and your subconscious to relax around it, and open yourself up to those possibilities and opportunities.

Staying inside your comfort zone feels nice and safe, but all the growth happens outside that comfort zone. You need to teach your subconscious that actually, yes it is a good idea to step outside that zone.  Taking action is safe and a good idea.

It’s a bit like a tree. We’ve got these belief systems that are the roots. The experiences are the trunk and all the branches and leaves are symptoms.  Beliefs such as, “I’m not good enough,” for instance. This is such a common belief, and it’s going to have offshoots to literally every area of your life.  Often when we’re working on abundance blocks in business, we’ll notice other things in our lives shifting as well.

EFT is a very holistic therapy because when you heal, you don’t just heal one particular aspect of your life. You’re actually generating that healing response to lots of different areas and even physical stuff.

To learn more about EFT and how it can help you overcome fears and take action, visit Catharine’s website at, her YouTube channel, or her Facebook page.  She offers information, resources, and services about EFT as well as other advanced tapping techniques such as Matrix Reimprinting.

If you’d like to receive Catherine’s easy step-by-step guide to use EFT Tapping to clear your blocks to business abundance and shift your mindset to one of prosperity and success, you can sign up for that here.

Make EFT Your New Habit

The last point about EFT and tapping is to make it a habit.  It’s quick, it’s easy, and you can do it anywhere about any issue.  Every time you do it, you are softening those neural pathways, those grooves in your brain that are keeping you tied to your old habits. Make a habit of it and start making changes in your thinking and your life.