Are you sacrificing the great in your life to settle for good? Today I’m sharing a super simple exercise to help you let go of good and shift into greatness.

Recently, I was inspired by Jim Collins and his book, Good To Great.

With all that’s happening in the world plus being stuck inside and out of our usual routines, many of us have been thinking about our lives and what our “new normal” might look like.

But finding that new normal and what that actually looks like for us can take a little bit of thought and thinking.

There are some really cool actionable things that can take us from the good life that we all had before to that great one. So many of my business mentees have been able to experience a little inkling of that – either a little nudge or a dream. Who else has been dreaming during this Covid time?

How to Shift Into Greatness

To welcome greatness into our lives, we need to let go of the good to get to the great. 

So here’s an exercise you can use to help you get your mind around this concept.

If you were to write down all of the elements of your business and your life and rate each one as Good or Great, what would they be?

How would you rate your:

  • relationships with friends and family?
  • connections that you have?
  • finances?
  • home life?
  • environments that you nourish your cells in every day?
  • food that you are consuming?
  • thoughts about yourself?
  • mindset?
  • mentors?
  • people in your life?
  • ways of taking care of yourself?
  • fun factors in your life?
  • clothes that you wear?
  • things that you want or have?

Literally rate everything you can think in your life on a scale of Good or Great.

Then ask yourself, what good can you let go of to get to the great?

I hear my mentees say things like:

“That thing I was doing that I thought I should do because all the other entrepreneurs around me do it actually isn’t working for me. But if I let go of that, part of my identity or some other part of me may disappear.” 

Instead, reframe your mindset and think of it like this:

“If I let go of this Good thing, there is room for Great to come in.”

I’ve seen some extraordinary people letting go of eCourses or membership programmes to bring in new things like ebooks and consultations online,  programmes and packages they hadn’t had before.

Some people are in the health aspect of their life right now and they had to let go of, say, F45 or something hardcore to bring in a meditation practice.  And it’s changed their whole nervous system from full-blown anxiety to absolutely calm.

As we are moving from lockdown to liberation, what does it look like for you to liberate?

What could you let go of to move and shift from your version of good to a great life and great lifestyle?

Take Action

I hope this has been helpful and gives you something to think about as we move toward a post-lockdown life.

If it has, or if you know someone who would benefit from it, please share.

unrestricted the book by tammy guest