unrestricted the book by tammy guest

What You Resist, Persists…

So what will you let go of and do today?

Let’s explore why we keep resisting things…

. . . like those important conversations you know you need to have…

. . . the health thing that’s been niggling but you haven’t taken any action on…

. . . like the things on the to-do list that you just keep putting off…

You KNOW the more you ignore it, the louder that niggle becomes in your reality.

It starts to pop up everywhere. You feel it more. It becomes more problematic. The more you notice how much of an impact it’s having in your life, the more it niggles you.

You KNOW you need to do something about it.

Stop Procrastinating

Make the decision to DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.

Close that loop.

OR that niggle will keep persisting.

What You Resist, Persists

This idea that what you resist, persists has come up multiple times in my life. And it’s a philosophy that rings true for so many of my mentees, as well.

It’s how when we have something we are really resisting, it seems to come up even more in your life. Whether it’s. . .

  • that courageous conversation we need to have with a staff member, partner, or the one that’s going to change everything
  • a health thing you’ve been resisting – you don’t want to put on the shoes, buy the equipment, or drink that bloody green juice!
  • the programme that you need to finish up or the to-dos on your list you’ve been ignoring

The more you resist it, the more it persists. You see it every month. More people talk about it. The louder it feels inside your body.

You KNOW you need to just do it.

This came up for me again when I was out shopping for a new office chair because the old one is woefully in need of replacing. And the persistence is getting stronger and stronger.

The more I resist getting this brand-new chair, the more it comes up in my life. I keep noticing. . .

. . .the shreds of stuffing around my old desk chair

. . . how uncomfortable I am in the old chair

Just Go And Do The Thing

That’s where I am – I’m at the furniture shop. Let’s do this.

And I know if I get the chair that’s just okay but it’s not THE ONE, it will still persist.

For the next however many years that I have this bloody chair, I’ll continue to think about the one that I truly wanted.  The one that makes me feel abundant, in control, and ready to teach.

If I don’t get that one? It’ll just persist. So I might as well get that one in the first place.

When You Only Go Halfway – It Persists

The same is true if you only have half a conversation when you know you need to have a real, courageous conversation – it persists!

If you make your health changes – but only go halfway – it persists!

So, I’m ready to go and get The Chair. The one, the only. The chair that I truly want because the more you resist, the more it persists.

Take Action

So my invitation to you… Where is that niggly feeling for you right now? The one where you know you’re in resistance to something?

And, where could you go and do ‘the thing’?

Or where could you just drop the resistance and see what happens?

I’d love to hear what you’re resisting, and what’s persisting for you. Drop me a comment below.